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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. Okay Tootie. Calm down. Jackie Kennedy was actually a real debutante. But Ann Romney had a horse.
  2. If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands. If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands. If you're happy and you know it , then your face will surely show it. If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands. The Ayatollah Kakamamie in Iranistan.
  3. She should organize a group and hound him all the while screaming at him at the top of their lungs. They should camp outside his office, outside his house, hound his family too. Don’t let up. Never stop. Wait. Oh right. DiBlowzer is a Dem. Nevermind.
  4. One last hurdle to get over today, then the Sunday pundit shows followed by the FISA big reveal early in the week. Dr Ford will be dropped by the Dems and become a footnote in history as the Left will be fighting to stay out of jail. #WINNING
  5. “What do we want?” ”We don’t know.” ”When do we want it?” “NOW!”
  6. Stop obfuscating with details and facts, Tom. Disturbed Durbin isn't getting his way, so he's spinning like a Dervish.
  7. Yes, the NEW FBI is totally partisan now that Trump gave the Dem sycophants the bum's rush out the door.
  8. Hey, 1969 was a heck of a year! Man on the moon.
  9. Uncle Creepy Joe discounted the future returns too deeply in his calculation on the Present Value of that position. Probably thought they’d be in power forever.
  10. Did he pontificate about how good NAFT was?
  11. Chief Justice Earl Warren says hello. Her name is “Oath?” It would be very tempting to lie under Oath.
  12. Thank Heaven! Yet another National Nightmare was narrowly avoided. Thanks Hill. [#NOTMYPOTUS]
  13. You do know that she runs a CIA Internship program at her University and that her father was a banker for the CIA’s black ops - right? Of course she would be no use to John Brennan’s smearing of the POTUS he hates and despised if she didn’t have such a convenient high school connection to Trump’s nominee. She’ll be RBG’s replacement.
  14. Well it's obvious if Trump did order the military to take out the Russian missiles, it would be at the expense of the Democrats new best friend and ally - Russia.
  15. Perhaps, more importantly why is Mexico listed BEFORE Canada? #OUTRAGEATEVERYTHING!
  16. From that link... "FORD CAUGHT IN MAJOR LIE? — City Remodeling Permits Show Project She Linked to Kavanaugh Was in 2008 NOT 2012" I found that when I clicked on a Mollie Hemingway Twitter link someone (DR?) posted. Her selective memory should have been shocked to the core if the opening questioning asked about her and her father's close ties to the CIA and whether she had received any direct or indirect communication from John Brennan about the Kavanaugh nomination.
  17. Yeah, I posted about this a few days ago when I found it in a Mollie Hemingway thread. She lied under oath, plain and simple. I knew Spartacus. Spartacus was a friend of mine. You sir, are no Spartacus.
  18. Wait. All the birds are gone. They’ve been eaten. Now we’re giving Dear Leader our beef? What is this world coming to?
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