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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. I will vote for her if she ever gets the nomination.
  2. Let Mexico annex Coastal California and give money for The Wall as payment.
  3. Naw. It's actually a Nazi flag for their dirigible corps. That's appropriate. They're a bunch of Nazis and they're lighter than air and think they're superior.
  4. True. But someone has to pay for the emergency room visits of the uninsured... "It's the LAW!"
  5. I've said this before, but it bears repeating again. I had a knee joint replaced and when I was rehabbing I spoke with the surgeon's PA about the PA's charges being rejected by my insurance carrier. He said to me that he would get paid (probably directly from the surgeon's practice), but went on to explain the charges on the invoice I showed him. Essentially, "no one" with insurance pays the full bust-out-retail charges that the health care providers charge. They ALWAYS want to know if your situation is because of 1. An accident or 2. Is it a Worker's Compensation case. THOSE cases get the fully charged amounts - because either the lawyers or the law says they can and do get the full amount. THAT's where they really make money. Any insurance cases usually handle the submitted charges and "negotiate" a discount. It goes something like this: You see your doc and he puts a splint on your broken finger. Your insurance company sends you a bill that states, "Your Dr. charges $298.00 for his services. We negotiated their fee down to $65.00 of which we paid $54.00. You owe the doctor $11.00 and you will be billed by them for that amount. Same with hospitals, and other health care givers. People who don't have HC insurance don't have the intermediating (evil) insurance company to get the lower negotiated rates.
  6. I'm certain she resigned because Trump still refuses to open Area 51 to CNN and MSNBC.
  7. I’m there already. You must have tins/gator in “ignore” then. They don’t know how the government is structured,nor what the purpose of each branch of government is. That makes them perfectly qualified to rail against it... not. The Left is filled with ignorant ignoramuses
  8. Sounds just like America during the Democrat's formative years.
  9. In other words, you were brought up by Democrat parents. It's obvious why you wanted to change your life... not saying you actually did, but I'm sure you wanted to.
  10. BULLIES. That’s what they are. How can they reconcile their countenance of this behavior and then keep lecturing the nation that bullying in schools and online are offensive?
  11. I wonder if the sky will become ablaze with another jet airliner blowing up this time on a flight to Frankfurt.
  12. Can you tell people how to do that? I’ll bet most don’t know how.
  13. Boss, I can teach you how to clap. First, uncross your arms...
  14. It’s amazing how well he’s recovering from the removal of that malignant brain tumor. No, they won’t. But we will.
  15. Despicable Dems. They're the party of division. They're the party of spite. Their hyperbolic spin on the facts - hell, they didn't even care to use any "facts" is unconscionable. Lies used as a tactic to deny their political adversaries due process is duly noted. They should be thankful Garland wasn't put through this **** show - because that is exactly what will happen when the next Dem POTUS gets to nominate a SCOTUS Associate Justice.
  16. Dems - the face of your party. It's the party of BULLIES. Disagree with them and they will do whatever it takes to ruin you and your life. And, they don't stop there. They'll try to ruin your family's lives and those of anyone who associates with you. Congratulations Demobullies. Your core is rotten.
  17. Looking at the question - one might surmise that a fair percentage of Dems who haven’t lost their minds might actually #walkaway to the other side. It is a question of rule of order and laws Vs. hysteria and mob rule. #SANELIVESMATTER ^^^ Exhibit A in the case of the sane American public Vs. the looney Left.
  18. Congratulations Supreme Court Associate Justice Brett Kavanaugh. May you sit on the bench for decades to come.
  19. So maybe the little states should lose some of their Congressional Representatives that are decided on population too. And of course California, New York and the other more populous states should get more Senators too. You’re an idiot Tom, I owe you a beer or a copywrite payment. That’s what makes them “victims.”
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