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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. Now why would he plead the 5th? We all know that Trump is a Putin puppet because of the glorious gifts he received from the Rooskies in that Moscow hotel room. What does he have to hide?
  2. The Gleichschaltung has arrived whether you care to recognize it or not. UPDATE (FROM GLENN): This sounds perilously like a conspiracy to interfere with the exercise of civil rights, which — as the SPLC should know — is both a crime and a cause for civil liability. https://pjmedia.com/instapundit/307157/ Nice work B-Man. Sounds like a plank in the Democrat party's platform. Gleichschaltung "the act, process, or policy of achieving rigid and total coordination and uniformity (as in politics, culture, communication) by forcibly repressing or eliminating independence and freedom of thought, action, or expression : forced reduction to a common level : forced standardization or assimilation"
  3. Pray to the God of Climate Change to rid us all of our “pre-existing” conditions. You who are all powerful, even more powerful than the Democrat party. You’re our only hope. Let our entire past experiences and existence be wiped away, oh great one (or two or three - however many you really are). You did it for the dinosaurs, now do it for us. #BELIEVEINSOMETHINGEVENIF IT MEANSLOSINGYOURMIND
  4. Agreed on all points. In the never-ending tribal warfare that defines the Middle East (as well as most other parts of the world where tribal ties are held more deeply than national interests) MBS is the highly educated, personable thug to become the leader of the pack. He doesn’t seem as bloodthirsty as Saddam Husein’s Family or the Ayatollah Kakamamees though. That said, I don’t trust Erdogan one whit.
  5. If it gets Doug Marrone out of the country, I'm all for it.
  6. Yep. She should be put on double tap suicide watch for her own good.
  7. Thank heavens the Obama Justice Department's diligence has finally begun to pay dividends albeit the Trump Administration's obstruction and interference had to be finally overcome.
  8. Feeding the needy is a noble deed. You meet some very needy people when doing this.
  9. So Avenatti went to the University of American Samoa Online Law School? His family must be so proud.
  10. If only Hillary had won. We'd be talking about Supreme Court Associate Justice Loretta Lynch and there would not have been a hurricane.
  11. Great topic. What I recommend they do is be forthright and honest and have their primary between an ass, a skunk, a worm, a snake, and a badger.
  12. What are you missing? The grand finale. It’s where after sentencing at their military tribunals Hillary, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Paige, Holder, Lynch, and a few other treasonous cabal members get interred at Guantanamo for an indeterminate time.
  13. Imagine her disappointment then when she has to attend President Pence/Pompeo/Haley’s inauguration in January 2025.
  14. Back issues of Mad Magazine and Popular Mechanics? Boxes of Bon-Bons? Dates with a Tango instructor? Parties at Chippendales?
  15. I hope Trump gets to have at least two more Supreme Court Associate Justices put on the bench. RGB and CT are likely to leave in the not-too-distant future.
  16. She's a CIA operative and a designed plant by Brennan to further undermine the POTUS.
  17. The Police should arrest the a-holes. https://www.greateratlantic.fisheries.noaa.gov/protected/mmp/viewing/approaching/ You're not supposed to get within 100 yards of a whale... 500 yards if its a Right Whale. There are hundreds of whales in the Cape Cod Bay and they're all protected. Not sure where these lummoxes were, but If I had a big boat, I'd ram them.
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