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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. Pay no attention to DC Tom, Mead. You just go ahead and get as much of this stuff as you can!
  2. Just posted this in another thread, but I think it bears repeating. More pure gold from Senator Hatch.
  3. Just back from a Hot Tuna concert in Truro. They finished with this:
  4. Maybe the Clintons will take up residence on the Isle of Elba.
  5. What a maroon. Everyone knows that’s a 105mm howitzer.
  6. Contemplating moving to Nevada just so I could vote for this guy.
  7. All the white leftists do is project their own feelings, thoughts, and emotion. It's so predictable.
  8. I want a free ATM card that I can use anytime and without limit to take out $200. from the free money coffers. Promise me that and I'm in.
  9. Hopefully they find a comfortable place on the trash heap of history and rot there for eternity.
  10. True that. But sometimes the stupidity and slovenliness is astonishing.
  11. Not sure if this has been posted before. It's a long read, and likely nothing new to DR about Misfud. https://www.realclearinvestigations.com/articles/2018/05/26/the_maltese_phantom_of_russiagate_.html
  12. It is curious timing. Throwing Trump a bone all the while sliming MBS to create a wedge between KSA and the USA.
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