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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. The tech industry has gotten a huge pass from federal regulations forever. Can you you imagine if people were allowed to sue Microsoft for their buggy software? They’re about out the least regulated industry and one of the most important to our standard of living. But they publish a ***** OS or software programs and there’s no pushback from regulators.
  2. Whales. Whales and krill. That’s all. Oh, and penguins. Nothing to see here. Move along now.
  3. Gee, it would be just awful if someone (like Boyst) say, we’re to suddenly lose their balance and fall on that tub of ***** and break a few of her ribs in the processs. Im fed up with these ***** holes.
  4. Just who the ***** are you Juanita Castro to demand that Congress do anything? You’re a walking piece of human excrement in shoes.
  5. Or how many green globular slimy balls she can spit into a waterglass and gulp down while addressing the adoring throng of dozens attending her rallies.
  6. With all due respect - regarding the photos. Which came first - the chicken or the egg. Who's to say the silhouette head shot wasn't lifted from the photo of him and his "fiancé"? It likely was a Saudi squad who did Cuyahoga in. MBS's uncle and cousins are probably rankly pissed at him for minimizing them within the tent of King Saud. It's certainly within their means and temperament to have placed a hit man within the "interrogation/kidnap" squad in order to create this mayhem for both the Prince and the hated USA. Remember folks, the Wahhabi funders are many within the Saudi royal family. They detest the west (except for our splendid technology and toys we offer them). My 2¢.
  7. Yep. In the 60s it was, "The Man." NSFW outtakes from one of the all time classics: Oh, and it's NSFW people.
  8. Did he ever actually live in Newark? That's subject of some argumentation. He did cut the Police force by 13 percent to help balance the city's budget. Of course, homicides and violent crime spiked - but "WHO CARES?" It's only Newark, NJ. He was the first Mayor of Newark in 45 years to not leave City Hall under indictment. :golf clap: Newark's child poverty rate spiked 32% under Spartacus' rule, yes and all the while the unemployment rate was double the national average. :bravo: Mr. Spartacus. Oh, he can speechify. He gave over a hundred speeches all over the country and collected over a million dollars for his oratory. To he "credit" he did give much of it to charities. While he was Hizzhonor The Mayor, he continued to get annual payments from the law firm (Trenk, DiPasquale, Webster) he left when he became Newark Royalty. Of course that firm garnered over $2million from Newark's Housing Authority, a wastewater agency, and the Watershed Conservation Development Corporation. But he's seen as in the words of Uncle Joe Biden when describing B. O., "he was articulate and bright, and clean..." Not only that, but Cory was friends with Oprah and helped get kittens out of trees and saved people from burning houses. The list goes on and on and on...
  9. Gee... and they seem so sincere. Wonder what jobs they'll get with that on their resumes.
  10. President Trump asks his Cabinet Secretaries to trim their budgets but 5% Good move? Too little too late? Screw that, put the pedal to the metal and spend, spend, spend?
  11. How many cars in a garage and what about an good 5 cent cigar?
  12. It's like most of the media have gone to a movie, suspended their disbelief, and are wallowing through a LARP. They seem hypnotized and zombie-like in their machinations where they follow the daily script written for them. Many truly are NPCs. Investigative reporting is a dying craft.
  13. And from Time, no less. “A DNA test is useless to determine tribal citizenship,” he said. “Current DNA tests do not even distinguish whether a person’s ancestors were indigenous to North or South America.” He continued: “It makes a mockery out of DNA tests and its legitimate uses while also dishonoring legitimate tribal governments and their citizens, whose ancestors are well documented and whose heritage is proven. Sen. Warren is undermining tribal interests with her continued claims of tribal heritage.” Cheers to the Cherokee Nation for standing up to this abuser and usurper of Native American heritage.
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