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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. Somebody better tell the Left and quickly, that this doesn't mean Trump gets to appoint another new SCAJ right away. Don't want to get anybody #TRIGGERED!
  2. Ah, yes... Civility. I hear it’s a new board game “Civility - the Gift of Democrats” produced by Soros Inc. the giant of social engineering game makers.
  3. A Second Caravan Is Now Moving North Toward The USA How many waves can we expect?
  4. If it went through the USPS, then the FBI will investigate. The Left is all about FBI investigations lately. I think I’ll wait for the results of that process and then begin to make a more informed decision about the motive of the bomb sender(s). Jumping to to conclusions is so Leftist.
  5. That kind of program has to cost a lot of money. Where could they have gotten the cash to fund it, I wonder.
  6. Maybe President Trump asks Congress to declare war on Mexico and invades their northern provinces. That way he can arm the military and put some teeth in the fight against this assault on our sovereignty. Captured POWs could build the wall. ***** you McCain.
  7. I like his mantra of "America First" which is a refreshing change from the Leftists position of "Blame America First!" I think he's doing what he genuinely believes is in the best interest of the United States and it's been a rude awakening for many that he's fulfilling many of his campaign promises. He moved the US embassy to Jerusalem. He secured the return of several American citizen hostages from foreign dictatorships. He shocked America and the world when he taught everyone that we have been in a trade war for decades and other countries had unfair tariffs on US made goods. He's leveling the playing fields on our trade deals were crap and has boldly proceeded to make trading partners back off their protectionist positions. He's making the US federal judiciary more conservative and constructionist. His administration has cut volumes of bureaucratic red tape. His tax cuts allowed the repatriation of trillions of dollars of US capital and stimulated capital investment. He stands up for secure borders, and law enforcement. He believes in having a strong military. He's unapologetic in his American chauvinism. He defeated Hillary. For that, I'll be eternally grateful.
  8. Who's going to chime in that it's not really that old, but a sunken German WWII U-Boat?
  9. China’s Moon Landing Program Is is it a threat?
  10. Then don't tell me what I should or should not be doing. ***** you.
  11. Michael Hastings. What’s your take on his murder? You were told to care about that case - right?
  12. One wonders how this nation and indeed the entire western world was able to advance to the greatness that it is when our ancestors had to get their learning from a single teacher in one-room school houses made of non-insulated wooden walls with a pot bellied Franklin stove to keep the students warm in the winter. ***** that entitlement attitude that you can’t learn unless you’re in a Beaux Art palace like the NY Public library. I went to school in a building that was built by the WPA. It had radiators for heat and no stalls in the bathrooms. And, we swam in the nude in gym class. (Simmer down Boyst and BLarge) Suck my nuts if you need a multimillion dollar palace to learn how to succeed in life in America. Motivation is the critical component to success.
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