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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. Doesn't want "to run" for President, but would "like to be President." JUST APPOINT/ANOINT ME SUPREME LEADER When the Dems get back in the Oval Office, "there's going to be so much work that's got to be done." LIKE RE-ESTABLISHING THE CLINTON FOUNDATION "I mean we have confused everybody in the world, including ourselves." THEY'VE STOPPED GIVING ME AND BILL MONEY "We have confused our friends and our enemies." THE CURRENT POTUS WON'T TAKE THEIR MONEY - WHAT THE ***** "They have no idea what the United States stands for, what we are likely to do, what we think is important." THE OLD WAY OF DOING BUSINESS WITH THEM DOESN'T WORK NOW "So the work is work I feel very prepared for." HAVING SIPHONED HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS FROM THEM BEFORE, I STAND AT THE READY TO RE-ESTABLISH THOSE OLD TIES "There's going to be a lot of heavy lifting." I'M GONNA NEED SOME EMPTY PALLETS TO PUT THE CASH ON Yes, Hill. Life is different now that you're an insignificant pimple on the ass of a gnat. We know exactly what you meant by what you said. You're a power-hungry money grabbing grifter.
  2. Just make schools and houses of worship GUN FREE ZONES. Pass laws to that effect and make sure that any violators of those laws get a really severe talking to or maybe force them to have a “time out.”
  3. Oh, Trump didn’t actually say it, but he meant it. Or maybe he just thought it. Or something somebody on TV said they knew Trump intended to say. Or maybe it’s a dog whistle or they really really know he’s going to have to fire Mueller AND Rosenstein now.
  4. Maybe he's going to start civil suits against the blue suits that set him up and gave him the old film-flam-jimmy-jammy.
  5. John Hanson didn't. He was our first President.
  6. Who got blown up by the “bombs?” Whats the body count up to now?
  7. Seems like they won’t back down. It’s not free falling.
  8. PLUS - "the Democrats biggest downfall politically has been that they've been FAR MORE CIVIL AND DON'T GET DIRTY THE WAY REPUBLICS T0 (SIC) GENERAL."
  9. Yeah, sure. But he didn't have a fake pipe bomb delivered to his house! #REPUBSAREEVIL
  10. She has her father's eyes, and hair,, and jowls, and nose, and lips, and fivehead...
  11. But that was Barry's good buddy. They burned down nearly half the town too. (a little hyper-bow-lay!)
  12. This isn't the label on the package below. ??????
  13. I think Dan Rather felt the same way when he didn’t get an anthrax letter sent to him after 911.
  14. Still having a hard time with sarcasm, aren’t you.
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