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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. First time voting in MA. Paper ballots, fill in the oval like a standardized test. Got the ballot by giving my address and name. No I. D. required. Had to “sign out” by giving name and address info to another person at the check out station. Then ballots were submitted into something a bit like a mailbox - which was guarded ny the town police. Was glad to vote against Lieawatha.
  2. Massachusetts has a flat tax of 5.1% for earned income and long term capital gains. Short term capital gains is a lot higher 15% to 20%.
  3. He got it from James Taylor as a gift for bringing him to France to assuage their Islamic fears.
  4. Just because the only club you can swing effectively is one from the Piltdown era, don’t disparage those with more refined motor skills who have an appreciation for the finer things in life - like plaid golf pants.
  5. I too hardly go “over there” anymore. It used to be each year around June when schools let out that we’d get a dozen or so newbies that polluted the place for awhile and then either shaped up or shipped out. When BBMB went down there was a flood of “refugees” from that place with no place else to go. And many of them are displaying exactly why that site was closed. Bottom line, it’s seriously degraded the football forum. Of course, The Bills’ suckitude hasn’t helped the situation either.
  6. Better that explanation than the poor guard on whose lap she's sitting got a bit excited... Doubt that could have happened though.
  7. To his, "There is something more to his complete reversal and 'abdication of responsibility' to America than the story suggests." I would say... see the Kavanaugh hearings. #PAYBACK'SABITCH
  8. Is Pellowsee part Indian or something? Maybe 1/1023rd? That would make her more Native American than Lieawatha.
  9. Anyone notice Chelsea Manning in the back row?
  10. I won’t go that far. I’ve said it repeatedly over and over that he was a Putney Swope. He is perhaps the quintessential embodiment of The Peter Principle. In in the end, after his film-flam jimmy-jammy administration’s time was up, he grabbed all the cash he could and took off in a helicopter. But he didn’t ride off into the sunset. He’s still lurking in and on the fringes.
  11. The team could replace the current logo on their helmets with a brown star and it would be more appropriate.
  12. He and B.O. “earned” their Nobel Prises along the same slimey herring-stanky channels.
  13. Maybe that’s what’s wrong with them. They’re constipated. They haven’t shat out a new idea in decades.
  14. I know what you mean. There are certain “pundits “ that are so over-the-top partisan that they are virtually unwatchable. Hannity and Dobbs are unashamedly Chauvanistic for Trump to the detriment of their arguments for his policies and effectiveness as POTUS. They’re embarrassing to watch. Hannity whines all the time and Dobbs seems to be lobbying for a position in the Trump administration. He appears like he would be happy with Monica’s old job. Noboy rocks on Fox Business News like Maria. Though I do dig Dagen. She’s a tough gal, and very funny.
  15. Note fro POTUS to the Dems: ”ALL YOUR BASE ARE BELONG TO TRUMP!”
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