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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. She’ll just “move in” with a (new) we’ll-heeled boy/girlfriend who will be paying all the bills and accepting her I.O.U.s for her “share” of the expenses (that she’ll never payback). Shes a grifter fer Christ sakes, along the line (and it’s a long, long line) of the Clinton’s and other “Progressives.”
  2. They will confiscate all her menthol cigarettes and confine her to detention in the Bahamas.
  3. But what about his 4th grade report card and the comments his teacher made about how he reacted with paste, blunt scissors, colored kraft paper, tongue depressors, and dildos? Inquiring minds want to know!
  4. From the linky thingy above: "Acting Attorney General Matthew Whitaker and Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen today announced an Interim Final Rule declaring that those aliens who contravene a presidential suspension or limitation on entry into the United States through the southern border with Mexico issued under section 212(f) or 215(a)(1) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) will be rendered ineligible for asylum."
  5. Broken ribs are no laughing matter. Well, it's not like an American died kind of laughing.
  6. But, but, but... according to the comments SHE invaded HIS space and SHE touched HIM! It was a set-up! Nothing short of a trap for poor Jimmy the Acoster.
  7. https://www.cnbc.com/2018/11/08/supreme-court-justice-ruth-bader-ginsburg-85-has-broken-her-ribs-in-a-fall.html Please change the title to POTUS Donald Trump's Next Supreme Court Nominee It's gonna happen. It's really gonna happen.
  8. Vegas Redux. Clifornian cowboys. No leftist outrage necessary.
  9. So... Mr. Snafu. What exactly was your role in this little charade... Come clean now. We're waiting.
  10. I haven't seen a bullet head like that since Melvin Laird and William Atwater.
  11. Nelson's not conceding Florida Senate seat to Scott. What a surprise... hanging chads 2.0
  12. Right. Wait for the (totally expected) flip of the House for the parade of NPCs to flood in here with their puffed up bravado. They’re currently cowered in fetal positions though, consumed by fears they won’t get a chance to come here and pontificate on how righteous they are. It’s so predictable.
  13. It would make losing the House more palatable if Mendez were to get thrown out on the street.
  14. I’ve seen K-9 units in action. Trust me, they don’t mess around and you don’t want to be on the receiving end of four puncture wounds on your forearm.
  15. Good. The BSA has had its head up its collective ass in all the torturous acrobatics it’s done to be PC.
  16. Who’s up for exploring black holes in space anyway? Sounds like a dangerous mission.
  17. Therefore it’s just a short step from there to Orange Man BAD status.
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