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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. That's right... no growth. He's still listed at 6'5". https://www.buffalobills.com/team/players-roster/josh-allen/
  2. https://www.chicagobears.com/team/players-roster/tanner-gentry/ Why not try this guy? He was a Josh Allen target at Wyoming.
  3. Reminds me of the Sopranos when Tony realizes his father only got laid when he brought home the meat to Livia.
  4. "missing and may be deceased is far, far away from IS DEAD!" Isn't that the same as, "he touched my breast, therefore he raped me!"
  5. I want Whittaker to hire a new Special Prosecutor to investigate Hillary's crimes. Have at it!
  6. NYC has been trying to revitalize the battle zone that is Queens for decades. It started with Citibank and then MetLife. Those are oasis drops in the bucket in what is a horrendous part of town. People literally run to the "safety" of the subway stations before 5. If Amazon ever did move to Queens, they'd have a hard time staffing there.
  7. Interesting to see the Left dropping their egalitarian mantra of “fair” and have replaced it with the socialist mantra of “free.”
  8. China’s using NK against us in the tariff/trade war.
  9. I still hate Rom Smith from that playoff loss. ?
  10. Yeah, sure. And how many chickens do you have sitting inside those egg shells in the hen house? Just bustin’. Good job by the D. About time the O showed up and helped out.
  11. It happened before... https://www.news.com.au/finance/work/leaders/emmanuel-macron-assassination-plot-foiled-by-french-police/news-story/ba4a71df01c7ad4b3f28baca1489c144
  12. Very cool. Congratulations! Be sure to report back on all that you do and see. Sounds like a great couple of days.
  13. So President Trump really is the owner of the NE Patsies***? Or are you suggesting that he sat and modeled for their logo? :unsure: Tune up your outrage or you’ll be set upon by the NPC warriors with a really, really nasty and inappropriate meme.
  14. I won't believe it until Bills wideouts go on IR because he's broken multiple fingers and given them cracked ribs from catching his passes. Maybe he could knock out Kelvin Benjamin with a shot to the side of his head. It might improve his receiving corps.
  15. Talkeetna, Alaska - near Denali. Owners return to Buffalo for the winter.
  16. Just do what they do in Alaska - let it burn. There are always forest fires in Alaska.
  17. But if Hillary won, she was going to become the new head of the IRS.
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