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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. Actually in MA now, and had Thanksgiving dinner at my daughter's home. Her brother-in-law had to leave to go to work - at a gas station.
  2. Sure. NK is only doing this so they can pull a Pearl Harbor on SK - AND they're making SK pave the road so NK's tanks can have an even faster blitzkrieg.
  3. Was Disneyland closed yesterday? How about movie theaters? Did the Police and firefighters work? How 'bout gas station attendants? I bet no football was played on Thanksgiving. And of course the workers at stadiums stayed home - no doubt. Even IF there were football games played, I'll bet no one attended the game(s). Were there any toll takers working on the nation's highways? What about TV news anchors and the weather forecasters? Anyone see a parade yesterday? If so, pretty sure none of them were hired hands. All restaurants were closed too - amirite?
  4. Remember, MBS had Alwaleed Bin Talal arrested in his sweeping takeover of the Saudi Kingdom last year. He had to pay up $$$Billions to gain his release. I recall at the time that Gregg didn’t think he had that much cash and that he would likely end up dead or worse. Maybe ABT has a friend in Erdogan. They probably have ties that go back to the Ottoman Empire.
  5. So you admit he's perfectly qualified to dig in to the dirty Clinton mess. That's tremendously good news. I hope he appoints a special prosecutor to do that - and gives them unlimited scope to get into Hillary's *****.
  6. So, 1,500 - 24 = 1,476... That's pretty close if you're the goobernor.
  7. Well, look at the bright side. You can always go back to watching CNN and MSNBC to get 24/7 non-stop coverage of Orange Man Bad to fuel your glands that keep your TDS in full working outrage levels.
  8. Trump should get a fleet of busses assembled at Tijuana and load them up with these illegals and drop them off in Judge Tigar's backyard.
  9. They're the "Dog-assed Jets." It goes with the territory. Enjoy...
  10. But you haven’t factored in the fact that President Trump is going to fire Pelosi. He likes to fire everybody. She’ll be next... after Mueller... Mueller and Kelly... Mueller and Kelly and Mattis.
  11. Why, the Oval Orfice of course. Yes, I knew that. But for the record, she’s the joke.
  12. True dat! Maybe she can get some practice in by paying some bills and signing a rental lease agreement. But she might just be planning on living in the House of Representatives.
  13. She's vying to become the chair of the House Misappropriations Committee... or is that Chamber?
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