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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. Blessed Virgin Mother! That's where the SacherTorte was invented. Save that hotel - screw the Euro flag.
  2. You really should read more. Greggy's laid that out in spades. A better and yet unanswered question is how and why did the Russian Lawyer (spy actually) get clearance to go to that Trump Tower meeting. Who arranged it? Who signed off on it? Who was the Russian interpreter present at that meeting, and who did he work for previously? All that and a ton more has already been revealed. It's right here if you want to look for it. She had nice tatas maybe. Did he know she was a spy?
  3. I've got one. What the ***** was a Russian spy doing at a President of the United States, Donald J. Trump's press conference?
  4. Generic manufacturer. More cheap drugs please!
  5. Russian Dressing on his salad - check No Czars appointed yet - check Once overheard saying, "nyet" - check (later found out that he actually said, "not yet." Doesn't matter. Likes the color red - check Knows some Russians - check Friends of his know some Russians and actually spoke to them - check Sarah Palin could see Russia from her house - check Can identify Russia on a map - check COLLUSION! CORRUPTION! CONSPIRACY! IMPEACH! Check please!
  6. UN Ambassador will no longer be a Cabinet Level Position Just like it hasn't been before. It's up to the discretion of the sitting President of the United States - currently Donald J. Trump. And for the record, she's certainly more qualified than Caroline Kennedy was when she became the US Ambassador to Japan.
  7. And also having Charles Bolden the Director of NASA teach us children well about the great scientific advances that Moslems made to the American space race.
  8. I just don’t understand why the French don’t want to pay the Euro equivalent of $10.00 a gallon for gasoline. Don’t they know their governments know what’s best for them?
  9. Nah, it was just a coupon for 10% off their stay at the Trump Hotel International DC if they say for at least two weekdays. Weekends are excluded. Offer may not be combined with any other discount, and is not transferable. Certain fees may apply.
  10. Well, considering what happened in Paradise recently, a parking lot is probably all that's left of it.
  11. The only “religion” that is in vogue currently with Leftists is The “religion” of Climate Change. Its adherents have it easy. They can attend services almost anytime and anywhere just by turning on a TV or radio.
  12. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/kamala-harris-aide-resigns-over-harrassment-asettlement But, she had no idea. The Bern is SOOOOO committed to climate change that he spent nearly $300,000 to fly in private jets all over the country in just nine days. Sounds like a Leonardo DiCaprio level of commitment, i.e., up to the eyebrows
  13. The message is: Don’t mess with the Clintons. . So, is there still a rogue cadre of Clintonistas that are continuing to undermine the Administration? Would the arrest of Huawei’s Meng Wanzhou then also be included in that kind of activity? Maybe be this is a conversation for Greg’s Stash Thread.
  14. To that ugly thought, I’ve gotta pull a Meade: ???????????????☠️????????
  15. President Trump's "Apostle's Creed" I believe in God, the Father almighty, because I do - and so should you. He's very, very powerful and almighty.creator of heaven and earth. Yes, it's true. He created heaven AND earth so people like me - can build their businesses to great, great heights.I believe in Jesus Christ, God's only Son, our Lord, of course, he was his ONLY son so one should be expected to believe in him.who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, and what a magnificent, magnificent, Holy Spirit it is.born of the Virgin Mary, and I can vouch for her. Yes, she was a virgin.suffered under Pontius Pilate, who was a very, very bad man. A bad man. He ended up doing a very bad thing.was crucified, died, and was buried; Yes, crucified, Pilate crucified him and he died. And not a very Kindly death it was either - believe me when I tell you.he descended to the dead. That's a terrible place to be, I can say you don't want to go there folks. You don't want to go there.On the third day he rose again; How beautiful was that, I tell you. How beautiful was that.he ascended into heaven, Which is where he belongs, it's where he belongs.he is seated at the right hand of the Father, Which is where any father would want his son to be. I want my son to be there too.and he will come to judge the living and the dead. Though I'm about to do some judging myself in short order here, and let me tell you there are going to be some people who wish they were dead by the time I'm done with them.I believe in the Holy Spirit, Such a Holy, Holy Spirit.the holy catholic Church, Yes, the catholic Church - which isn't the "Catholic" Church. That right there is Fake News for some of you out there that don't know the difference.the communion of saints, Communion is good. We all like Communion, now don't we.the forgiveness of sins, Everybody can use some forgiveness - except the rats that have tried to get me in trouble with the law and their day is coming folks. Their day is coming.the resurrection of the body, I'm actually looking forward to seeing some bodies resurrected. I truly am. Not YOU horse face.and the life everlasting. Everlasting life, you know the Pharaohs of Egypt and many, many very powerful men wanted everlasting life. I think I've got a good shot at that too. Amen. Yes, Amen. I wanted to say more. I wanted to say more, but time just wouldn't allow.
  16. This POTUS doesn’t want to read anyone else’s script.
  17. Hillary will probably miss Bill’s funeral. She might not be finished serving out her sentence by then.
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