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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. Even if she weren't 799 years old, the old Lib probably wouldn't have attended it anyway.
  2. Shuffle should spend his time figuring out how not to put his ***** in teen aged boys. He’ll save the country a whole Shiff load of real money and the only time he’ll waste is his own.
  3. Didn't the DOJ do the same thing back then? I remember (vaguely) that some (interim perhaps) Department head rushing to get things put out into the air because they were "afraid" the new administration would bury the info. Sally Yates perhaps?
  4. And the same sort of people mock the First Lady and her apparel.
  5. Stand firm against these obstructionist Democrats Mr. President! Shut down the government for as long as it takes. Do not bend to their perniciousness. They oh so willingly forced Obamacare down our throats at tremendous cost to the nation and our healthcare system. They are hypocrites of the first order of magnitude. They are denying you this only because they perceive it as a political "win" for you if you get the wall done.
  6. Bill Clinton and others used the CF money to pay for their Personal travel and expenses. Many allegations of very criminal activities. Hillary did quid pro quo while SOS
  7. I remember their color guard was booed at the Democrat National Convention. Nice work Leftists. Which iconic American institution are you going after next?
  8. They need “your” money so they can provide free Obama phones for all the new Demi-Citizens they’re welcoming into their formerly beautiful state. Theyre just saying that the regular citizens owe it to the poor and have to pay their “fair share.” The pan handlers on the street are more honest than the politicians.
  9. "The haunting fear that someone, somewhere, may be happy.” pretty much sums up much of Thhe Left’s motivation.
  10. I can’t believe this. Why I heard just today that Nancy Pelosi said that people are losing their jobs and it’s Trump’s fault for wanting to build a wall.
  11. That’s so racist that they don’t want people to get asylum in Los Angeles & San Diego! ?
  12. You’re seriously bad at this. https://www.google.com/amp/s/whyevolutionistrue.wordpress.com/2018/08/11/alexandria-ocasio-cortez-another-lionized-democrat-cozying-up-to-anti-semites/amp/
  13. AOC, Haven’t the Jews suffered enough? Now you want to self-identify with them? What did they do to deserve that, and what are your new Muslim Female Peeps in the House going to say about you now?
  14. Good to see President Donald J. Trump standing up to those slimeballs.
  15. It’s not the amount of money. It’s the thought that counts. [/SHIFFED]
  16. Not sure. Check with Apple. They replaced a lot of batteries for free on some phones that had a battery recall. I’d bet it would be under $50 bucks to have them swap it out.
  17. The mob south of the border have dissipated. Their masters abandoned them. USMCA
  18. Mueller is making crimes ex post facto. God I wish they would sic a Special Council on the Clintons and Podestas.
  19. Yes. They certainly get the Left’s bag of nuts twisted up tighter than a neurotic transvestite on crack two minutes before curtain call.
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