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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. That house is a pig style. There’s ***** everywhere. Cool train set though ?. He would improve the go pro video if he spent an hour picking up the place first.
  2. Did you have sex on Christmas Day?
  3. Nope. He’ll build it 100 yard INSIDE Mexico and then annex that 100 yards of turf. Viva Pancho Villa! Viva Santa Anna!
  4. Merry Christmas to them. The excluded ones. To the others - go to Hell. It’s where they belong.
  5. You obviously never saw “The Postman Always Rings Twice.”
  6. The Refs disagree. We’ve all seen other plays like this. There’s a chance that the ball carrier can pop up and continue on. In Foster’s case they ruled an upright player’s forward progress stopped and one of them blew the whistle primarily to avoid one of the players from getting injured. Football is played with a ball that has two pointy ends. It bounces funny.
  7. The whistle hadn’t blown the play dead.
  8. Boy, losing (yet again) to the Pats*** must have the maim board in flames. It brings the cockroaches out in droves.
  9. I see. So medical and surgical advances in treating heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, and cancer haven’t been a factor. I guess virtually eliminating TB, dyptheria, cholera, yellow fever, sepsis had a negligible effect too. Good to know.
  10. When I was a kid, I asked my folks for a new pair of pants and something to play with. They kept asking me what else I wanted, and all I could think of was a new pair of pants and something to play with. Christmas morning came and I opened up my gift... a new pair of jeans with the crotch cut out of them.
  11. That’s at least 250,000 more Americans than were at Hillary’s inauguration.
  12. Proof of his diminishing mental faculties. #IMPEACH!
  13. Feel free ALF to cut Uncle Sam a big check for all of your tax cut money if you're feeling guilty. They'll put it to good use, no doubt.
  14. and you are aware that the Republican Party doesn't have filibuster control of the US Senate like Obama did when he rammed through the ACA, correct?
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