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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. Football is an integral part of our culture and is like a religion to many. If you’re a real fan of a team then you’d no sooner switch to being a fan of another team than a Catholic would convert to become a Protestant. If if one does switch around then they’re at best, maybe a fan of the sport.
  2. Almost hate to say it, but Clemson’s QB looks like a stereotypical trailer park redneck. He’s probably a great kid with lots of talent, but he could really use a makeover.
  3. I took a nap during the Florida/Michigan game. I think Harbaugh did as well.
  4. I predict that the hours of daylight in the US will increase for nearly all of the first six months of the year, but following that a gradual decreasing of the hours of daylight will take place for almost the entire last six months of the year. This will be more pronounced in northern states like Maine and Alaska, but less so in some southern states such as Florida.
  5. If they won 25 games this year, you might have a point.
  6. https://securitystudies.org/khashoggi-case-analysis-of-an-information-operation/ “Executive summary The Turkish government successfully used an information operation to elevate the case of Jamal Khashoggi’s disappearance into a major international incident with strategic implications. The disappearance of Khashoggi is contemporaneous with the disappearance, and possible murder, of the head of INTERPOL, Meng Hongwe. In one of these cases a highly visible individual with international position vanished without a trace and little fanfare; in the other a stunning amount of media coverage resulted in one of the largest news stories of the year. The US Secretary of State was personally dispatched to investigate, as was later the Director of Central Intelligence. The difference in these cases is caused by the existence of the Turkish information operation (IO), and the absence of any similar operation attempting to push for Chinese accountability. The Turkish government attained success through an adaptation of a Russian technique that the RAND Corporation calls the “Firehoses of Falsehood Propaganda Model.”1 In fact the “Falsehood” aspect of this model is dispensable; the model works much better if the information can be proven true, and still quite well if the information is merely not demonstrably false. What is essential to the model used by the Turks and the Russians is the repeated injection of wild stories, not all at once but in controlled sequence. This creates a building effect similar to the increase of tension in a novel or screenplay. The audience comes to see attaining a resolution as necessary to their personal psychic well-being. A major difference in the Russian model and the Turkish model is that the Russians tend to push their firehose narratives through propaganda outlets of their own creation. Although Turkish-language media supported and helped to drive the narratives, as did Arabic-language media controlled by Turkish ally Qatar, the main outlets that Turkish intelligence used to execute their operation were major Western English- language journalist outlets. This becomes clear upon an intensive study of the data. While protecting the lives of dissidents and journalists are worthy goals, it is also important to a self- governing people to be able to recognize outside attempts to manipulate them or drive them to actions that may not align with their self-interest. Some Western outlets, including the Washington Post, performed reasonably well at alerting their readers to the possibility that these stories were manipulative. Others, especially the New York Times, treated the successive firehoses as if they corroborated one another. Better practices among journalists are necessary in order to ensure that similar operations in the future do not overwhelm clarity of thought in our political process.”
  7. Must be like in The Wizard of Oz when the house lands and Dorothy opens the shutters. (And Darkside of the Moon ends)
  8. Katherine Harris and Sarah Huckabee Sanders say, “Hello.”
  9. Probably includes all the federal holidays in that number. There’s about 10. Hrs one of the people who might have to work on some of those days so they get comp time. He’s been there for 69 years, so he’s getting 3 weeks vacation.
  10. When I want to see racism, I just listen to the Democrats talking. It invariably pops up within a minute or two. It’s uncanny.
  11. But don’t you remember his epically incessant rants about Clinton and Barack Hussein Obama not serving in the military and how they despised those in uniform? Me neither.
  12. You are willfully blind and a douche bag to boot.
  13. IIRC there were a lot of “decent” people there at least initially that were demonstrating against the removal (P.C. sanitization) of Confederate statues. No all of them were Mother *****ing white supremacists. The MSM and their NPC minions don’t/won’t recognize that. #ORANGEMANBAD!!!?
  14. I recently took a food safety class to get certified for serving food to the public. Here’s a good site that gives a lot of good info about sous vide and the basic science of the oogies that are harmful and how to handle food to avoid them. Ive done a fair amount of sous vide cooking and it’s a great technique. http://www.douglasbaldwin.com/sous-vide.html
  15. And here's the direct link to the story embedded in DR's linky thingy above: https://amgreatness.com/2018/12/23/the-neverending-mysterious-saga-of-michael-flynn/#.XCOu9B7sL1k.twitter I'd like to punch the Special Investigator in the teeth.
  16. I'd like to punch the Fed Chair in the teeth.
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