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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. Division Championship. Anything else won't be worth waiting 19 years for.
  2. It's just a sign of the times. Someone did it because they could. It's like social media graffiti.
  3. Maybe this will help while you’re all deciding.
  4. Romney’s doing it just like all the other never Trumpers - to get on the leftist media programs so he can get his views known. At least they’re not paying him to do it like most of the slimy Rhinos and NeoCons Rat’s that we’re ousted from the rings of influence they enjooand profited from so handsomely for the entire careers. Bold move Cotton...
  5. Whut? Dey’s gots goobers in San Francisco two?
  6. Ben threw a hissy fit last year when the Stealers drafted Mason Rudolph in the 3rd. He’s a charmer.
  7. Liawatha and Burnie ARE the toilet paper stuck to the Dumbocrats shoe.
  8. Following up on his campaign promises as much as possible. That's unheard of hubris in a modern era politician. Using Twitter to make his political foes go batshite crazy. Twitter is for happy "progressive" thoughts only. Getting rid of Federal regulations. Regulations are what makes us American. Firing appointees who don't fit in. It's the gubment ***** - people aren't supposed to get fired from it.
  9. Those were the Atlanta Falcons in 1995. And I believe Kelly hurt his right shoulder making that bone-crushing tackle. Kelly has a LIFETIME NFL completion % of 60.1
  10. How about another mortal sin then? Why can't we play the Pats*** AFTER our Bye week and before they get theirs? I know... unthinkable!
  11. Probably so. But a LOT of posters here make such a big deal about the QB completion percentage stat. In Jim Kelly's years as a Bill his completion percentages were as follows: 1986 59.4 (With Andre Reed, Pete Metzelaars, Chris Burkett, and Jerry Butler as his receivers) 1987 59.7 1988 59.5 1989 58.3 1990 63.3 1991 64.1 1992 58.2 1993 61.3 1994 63.6 1995 55.7 1996 58.6 His completion % Lifetime in Buffalo was 60.1 Josh's for 2018 was 52.8 while playing with hands of stone and unmotivated receivers. I'm feeling pretty good about Josh's chances for improvement.
  12. Well I for one don’t want to be short-sighted nor overly optimistic, but I will say this... Josh went to his first training camp as the Number 3 QB on the team. He only got to work with the Ones in late August. He spent most of his camp playing with scrubs and PS level players. Nate Peterman got more time with the Ones as did the “veteran” backup we sent packing. This year that’s not going to happen. Josh is THE Franchise QB of The Bills. It’s HIS Offense and HIS Team. That is an incontrovertible truth. He’ll get the benefit of the off-season fitness training and more intensive coaching throughout the off-season, and the entire training camp and Pre-season. He’s THE Bills #1 QB. End of story. Its hard to conceive absent injury how he would not improve by a lot next season.
  13. I think it was classy to take the knee. I hate the Phins as much as anybody, but no need to go for more at this point.
  14. Just a suggestion OP, but if you’re going to the game and are looking for tips, might I suggest that you get a job with one of the vendors.
  15. Our extended Bils family’s light is another candle dimmer right now. Condolences to his friends and family. He looked and sounded like you could be friends with him when you first met him. That’s a gift. RIP.
  16. Why does this thread exist? There already was a game day thread.
  17. O U seems to stand for the amount of yards they’ve gained so far. Embarrassing.
  18. That’s true, but they came up goose eggs on that drive.
  19. McDermott and Beane have their eyes on Clemson’ms #5 WR Higgins! Just dropped a sure TD... hit him in a bad place - his hands.
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