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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. My only question is, why wasn’t this thread closed at the end of the first half?
  2. He hates most USC QBs. Not without reason though. Not at all.
  3. Enters the room and quietly whispers into Slash’s ear...”Wasn’t that why Whaley was brought in?” Didn’t Big Ben publicly contemplate retirement after they got kicked out of the Playoffs last year?
  4. Has Putin appointed an Independent Special Prosecutor?
  5. That sounds treasonous. No. Wait. Never mind.
  6. A high percentage of regular patrol officers have very short hair or shaved heads. They deal with a lot of unhealthy scum and can get infected or contaminated by direct contact with them. Long hair is also something that a suspect can grab on to in a scuffle. So many officers don that look. I heard that at the Citizen’s Police Academy.
  7. It doesn’t matter. Plan A. Slime Trump in the campaign so he loses. Plan B. Resist and pursue Russia collusion so his administration is hamstrung and can’t drive their agenda. Plan C. Retake the House. Plan D. Eliminate POTUS and VP. Speaker Pelosi becomes POTUS 46. She he was never supposed to lose. She was NEVER supposed to lose. SHE WAS NEVER SUPPOSED TO LOSE!
  8. For the last time... The Pro Bowl did NOT START WITH THE AFL NFL MERGER.
  9. S ***** by the time I figure that out it WILL be Saturday. Thanks for the tip though. I have done it in the past but I’m on my iPhone (shaddup you juveniles - I’m not switching platforms... and GETOFF MY LAWN!!!) Enjoy the game though - whenever the heck they play it. ?
  10. A mere 5 hours and 34 minutes and it WILL be “TODAY” !!!
  11. You must have a reading comprehension problem. The “NFL PRO BOWL” has been in existence since 1951. What- you think the NCAA Football “Champion” was only started with the new Playoff structure?
  12. Work? Whats that? I’m retired. I’m lovin’ it. Too bad I can’t figuyout how to edit a thread title anymore.
  13. He could be angling for a job like Ross Tucker did. Ross is much more edgy though, especially when it comes to players contracts and their leverage and money and market value.
  14. Yes indeedy. I was just about to post that. Every day IS a Saturday when you're retired. It's great.
  15. Wrong again. The NFL has a Pro Bowl between its two conferences. It started in 1951 and was played in LA until 1970 when it was moved to Hawaii. Reference cited: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pro_Bowl#History_of_the_Pro_Bowl ”The concept of an all-star game was not revived until June 1950, when the newly christened "Pro Bowl" was approved. The game was sponsored by the Los Angeles Publishers Association. It was decided that the game would feature all-star teams from each of the league's two conferences rather than the league champion versus all-star format which had been used previously.”
  16. Will it be another “Fog Bowl?” That one was a classic. Buddy Ryan’s return to Chicago after leaving the Bears.
  17. That’s not true. The Pro Bowl has a much longer history than that. It started in 1951, and its precursors go back another couple of decades. Personally I wouldn’t go unless I had nothing to do and it were within 50 miles of where I was that day. Anyone remember the Chicago College All Star games? The NFL Championship team would play that year’s crop of College All Stars. The College kids won 9 times and tied the Pros twice.
  18. I’d like to see the receivers each have a chart like that to see what their reception % was in each of those target zones. As as others have said, most of his throwaways seem to be when he’s running toward the right sideline and he’s about to 1. run out of bounds, or 2. get clobbered by the D’s pursuit. They probably use the distance to the first down for the area “targeted” on those tosses.
  19. What kind of name is “Minkha” for a football player? Sounds like he could get a show on MSNBC in the mornings.
  20. I thought William Cody’s descendants sued The Bills during the low point in the early 2000’s to not allow any use of graphics that associated The Bills with BB Cody. But then again, maybe that was just something that DC Tom posted.
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