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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. So, busy registering and posting at a Pats*** board perhaps?
  2. Such great irony. Alexander the Great - perhaps one of THE most toxic males that ever drew breath was responsible for the western fashion of shaving facial hair.
  3. Just five more days and POTUS can permanently furlough a lot of Federal employees. ?
  4. His hands are shaking like a crack addict. He has the complexion of a corpse. How he ever was elected to the Senate still baffles me.
  5. Why don’t they ask how much he spent last year on groceries? The President is responsible for paying for all food and drink at White House meals - except for State Dinners.
  6. Are you dense? That’s the point. The MSM isn’t reporting the facts. DR has posted literally dozens if not hundreds of Primary source documents that have largely gone unreported because they run counter to the coup plotters narrative and their mantra “Orange man bad.” Its only now within the past few weeks that some of what he revealed months and months ago are beginning to come to light and the MSM is doing backflips and painful contortions in their attempt explaining the DOJ and FBI’s corruption in what they did to a legally elected POTUS. What they did was reprehensible and they sullied their organizations with their illegal activities. And that’s just the DOJ and FBI. The CIA and NSA have yet to have their time in the barrel. It will come though. It will come.
  7. Largely agree. The best way to counter her ideas is not to ridicule her abject stupidity, but to confront her ideas head on and refute them on the merits. e.g. Her 70% tax bracket proposal. She correctly says the taxes used to be at those levels in the 50s and 60s. If she’s in favor of bringing back those rates, then she should fully embrace the tax shelters and loopholes that were in place at then time. Looking forward to hearing her pontificate on the virtues of real estate depreciation et al. Also, it would be a treat to hear her explain the morality of seizing other people’s earnings in an unequal manner. Can she explain why stores don’t have “progressive” pricing for their goods and services? I’ve yet to go to a store or gas station and have the price of what I’m purchasing be tied to how much I earn that year. What would she say if someone asked her “How much should Bill Gates or Barbara Streisand pay for a gallon of gas, a quarter pound of Brie, or a pound of burger?” Why aren’t they paying “their fair share” for these consumables so that other people with fewer means could be paying less for the same goods and services? Is is she in favor of movie stars having legal residency in states without state taxes in order to avoid California state taxation? Does she want to raise the corporate tax rate back up to where it used to be and drive American companies and their money back offshore? Can she explain how that would be a great win for America?
  8. Kashoggi-like, isn’t it. Except of course the selective outrage in the media is missing. Make “New York” Iroquois again, or at least New Amsterdam, New Holland. They’ll be eating lead soon or so it seems.
  9. Party of the People... party on! "Some 30 Democratic lawmakers left the government shutdown behind Friday on a chartered flight to Puerto Rico for a winter retreat with 109 lobbyists and corporate executives during which they planned to see the hit Broadway show “Hamilton” and attend three parties including one with the show’s cast. Those attending the Congressional Hispanic Caucus BOLD PAC winter retreat in San Juan planned to meet with key officials to discuss the cleanup after Hurricane Maria at a roundtable Saturday. But the weekend is packed with free time for the members and their families on the trip. “We are excited for you to join us for CHC BOLD PAC’s 2019 Winter Retreat in San Juan, Puerto Rico! Each year, this retreat serves as a way for our CHC BOLD PAC Members and friends in the D.C. community to come together to escape the cold and discuss our shared priorities for a stronger and more prosperous country,” said a memo on the trip. Some 109 lobbyists and corporate executives are named in the memo, a rate of 3.6 lobbyists for every member. They include those from several big K Street firms, R.J. Reynolds, Facebook, Comcast, Amazon, PhRMA, Microsoft, Intel, Verizon, and unions such as the National Education Association."
  10. Home Games Baltimore Cincinnati Washington Denver Horse Teeth Philly Iggles Miami NE* JESTS Away games Cleveland Pitt Dallas NYJints Flaming Thumbtacks Miami NE* JESTS Call me crazy, but I think they could win every home game on that schedule except the Cheesesteaks, and could win at least three of the away games.
  11. Well, once the Electoral College is shuttered, they’ll likely do away with the ageist discrimination language in the Constitution too. Everyone under the age of sixteen years old... is now sixteen years old. And everyone will be required to change their underwear every three hours.
  12. Hmmm. Getting a head and RBG just go together like nails running down a chalkboard.
  13. She’s going to KUBA and is upset she can’t get there?
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