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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. Yes, it’s India. The intarwebs is full of great images of creative Indian wiring.
  2. Al Jazzera and Tass come to mind. Then again, the National Enquirer might have some interest.
  3. Admit it. You want to oil up that bald head of hers and rub your hands all over it.
  4. He played in three games for KC, was targeted 5 times, made 2 catches for a total of 26 yards. He wasn't targeted at all in the playoffs. No wonder KC lost to the Pats***
  5. I laugh at the Pats*** fans around me saying they “feel bad” for the Saints and their fans because of that (non) call at the goal line. They're mute about the Raiders and their fans about the “Tuck” ruling that jobbed Oakland and sent the Brady bunch to their first SB. Prior to that that team lost to the mighty Bears by the worst margin in SB history.
  6. Yes. The “Arizona” Cardinals say “hello” to their old fans in St Louie.
  7. This just in... CNN and MSLSD have candid photos of the architectural proposals for Trump Tower Moscow!
  8. And it appears that she was just doing a fly-by in a low earth orbit while getting emotionally charged to blast off again into deep space. Na-nu na-nu.
  9. Really? I would think in this day and age someone would be experimenting using a craft brewed IPA.
  10. It’s “friggin” Lonnie Johnson around these parts, and here’s why:
  11. You must have read Ambrose Bierce. (Oil of Dog)
  12. Orange is the new Black. On MLK day I happened to reflect on the fact that the FBI wiretapped and bugged MLK's phone conversations. J. Edgar Hoover hated MLK and thought he was a communist. This sounds a little like current events now we know that the FBI wiretapped and bugged Trump's phone conversations. J. Comey hates Trump and thinks he is a communist.
  13. Sounds like it is BS. Agreed on the family junket/vacations though. It's been going on forever.
  14. I'm just wondering... 7 Dums + 86 "Family" members i.e., >12 per Dummy = 93. "93 Military & Secret Service people" Hmmmm. 1:1 ratio, or was it a mistake in the # of "family" they wanted to tag along?
  15. Very true. If she's in late stage lung cancer she could be really incapacitated and heavily drugged with opiates. It would not put it past the Dems to do a Weekend at Bernie's with her until 2020.
  16. Not only that, but the Russian Refs interfered with our election of the Saints to be in the Super Bowl!!
  17. And what happens if they're wearing boxers? For the record, does anyone from the SC actually check in on her to make sure she's still alive and cognizant? If she's not able to speak and no one has seen her, what is the assurance that she is indeed alive and capable of doing her job? Asking for a friend.
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