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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. His father was in radio in NYC and according to Don Imus, Billy used to come and hang around the studio and try to nail every young woman he could. Evidently is is well endowed... according to Imus.
  2. And it will be Russians too (in their eyes) if Romney or Kasich or some other stooge jumps in against Trump? They have no moral core.
  3. He hasn't been terribly public - in a political sense, and although he's a life-long Democrat, he's really bothered by the hard left shift the leaders of that party which is little more now than a bag of professionally outraged self-proclaimed victims. He's a billionaire who bought Starbucks from the original founders and transformed it into the big fat corporation that it is today. He used to own the Seattle Supersonics and the WNBA team there, but sold them both. He's written books about how he ran Starbucks into the stratosphere and has been interviewed on CNBC and FoxBusiness among others. He's making the Dems apoplectic because he would definitely draw voters away from whomever their nominee is.
  4. Hey, I've been up since two AM... insomniac that I am, and just now having my second cup of covfefe. P. S. Pete Hamill I am not.
  5. Once these people learn to code they can use their new skills creating NPC characters based on their former jobs and live vicariously through X-Box and PlayStation consoles. Maybe it could catch on like Madden. #LEARNTOCODEYOUSOUL-LESSBASTARDS
  6. Are there more Starbucks buyers than Dunkin buyers? He would likely pull a lot of votes from the left. The Dumbs are terrified he is serious.
  7. A truly worthy degree, especially if you can get them for “free.”
  8. A high speed rail wall. The Dems would go for it in a heartbeat.
  9. If wishes were fishes, I’d have me a fry.
  10. No, you’re right to a point. Mueller might do a Wilie Coyote flim-flammy on the jimmy-jammie ending or a Bugs Bunny 540 degree turnaround at the last moment. One doesn’t know with assurance what the outcome will be, especially when the script is off-record and the persecution is focused on ex-post facto incidents or events that occurred several years prior to when the charged individuals were connected in any way - even tangentially to POTUS or his camp. But what we do have is evidence of clear cut collusion on the DNC’s side, rampant corruption in the CIA, FBI, and DOJ including a cabal that attempted to overturn an election and actually overthrow our nation’s federal government. One of the hallmarks and proudest achievements of our form of government is the sanctity of our elections and the peaceful transfer of power. The Dems from B O and Clintons on down have turned their backs on the hallowed pledge to support the victorious candidate. They disgrace themselves and tarnish the country in the process. I do hope that the real criminals in this sleazy chapter of our history will be brought to justice and be forced to undergo the rigorous investigation and prosecution that seems to be all the rage in this age of hysteria.
  11. I hope he sues Chief Spreading Bull and gets his drum and drumstick.
  12. He’s lucky that it’s not subject to an excise tax like it would be in Massachusetts or Maine. I get a tax bill every year for the value of my cars, boat, and trailer. It’s why John Kerry has his yacht registered in Rhode Island... the hypocrite.
  13. Yes. And, if you act up I’ll put a black powder cap in yer azz.
  14. Just some stuff I learned from Officers at the Citizen’s Police Academy that I’ve been attending. It’s not just the dogs, the agents get exposed to all thatshit too.
  15. FWIW drug detecting canines cost several thousands of dollars each. One sniff of fentanyl can kill a dog. Drug dealers would slaughter them without mercy. So so not only are the “NEVER FENCERS” pro human and drug trafficking, they also hate dogs.
  16. I predicted this years ago when BO was running the first time for POTUS. The left doesn’t just want to tax your income and your outgo, they want to tax your wealth assets. They started already with the ObamaCare abortion. They can assess a 3% tax (IIRC) on the sale of your house to help pay for that garbage. Some lefties have recommended seizing your IRA and 401k retirement assets in exchange for government bonds. Now some shitforbrains politicians are actually talking in the public forums about seizing private sector assets to pay for their asinine pie-in-the-sky plans to make the people with NO skin in the game have a few more “crumbs”. I sure hope they harp on that when they meet with their Wall St and Hollywood multi-millionaires. “I’m going to sock it to those rich bastards!” Should play well there.
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