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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. and having NASA credit their achievements to Islam.
  2. Couldn’t have gone with the old “The dog ate my homework“ saw in these days, now could he.
  3. I calculate that Trump has saved or created over 359,675,482 jobs in his first 24 months in office.
  4. NATO Members Increase Defense Spending by $100 BILLION After Trump Called Them Delinquents That’s $100 BILLION less that the USA doesn’t have to pony up.
  5. Coincidentally, Spiro Agnew was a Bal’more County Executive and a Goobenor of Maryland.
  6. Mods, lock down the emoticon chest before Mead107 gets here and empties it out!!!
  7. I’m gonna get you, my little pretty!
  8. Scrawny kid, no breasts, and not a looker. But boy does she have a mouth.
  9. Well, if she isn't already dead, she's knock, knock, knocking on Death's door. I seriously doubt she has the stamina and faculties to carry out the duties of her office.
  10. It's not just "Big Pharma" protecting their patents. For example: The Cost of Doxycycline Skyrockets The linky thingy is from about 4 years ago, but it's still true. The Generic bottom feeders expend zero dollars in research and clinical trials, then they sue the bejesus out of the Pharma companies that have lucrative patents in order to cash in their own fortunes. A bunch of them rush in to the new space, the former patent owners drop out and then a pack of jackals fight over the spoils, and eventually most of them drop out too - leaving that drug available for price gouging by the space victors. "According to a U.S. House committee investigating price hikes in several generic drugs, the average wholesale price of 500 tablets in October 2013 was $20. Seven months later, the average wholesale price for the same amount was $1,849, an increase of more than 8,000 per cent." "According to industry experts, doxycycline is the subject of an unintended effect of legislation that created the generic drug industry. When a drug company develops a safe and effective medication, the Food and Drug Administration grants approval. The drug is patented, and the company has the exclusive right to sell the medication for 20 years, to recover the cost of innovation and development, and make a profit." "Doxycyline is a well-established medication, the first choice for most doctors treating Lyme disease as well as other bacterial infections. It is safe, effective and inexpensive to manufacture. Once more than 20 companies made the generic drug. That created fierce competition. Now there are only three or four manufacturers. Over the years many companies dropped out of the market to focus on more profitable drugs. A wave of pharmaceutical mergers has also changed the economic landscape. Shortages can be caused by any number of unforeseen circumstances. Regulatory action can force companies to temporarily stop production of drugs. Raw materials are subject to their own shortages and price increases. In one case, damage from Hurricane Sandy forced a manufacturer to stop making doxycycline."
  11. It's high comedy to see him being criticized by the likes of Bloomberg and the other Billionaire Dumbs.
  12. Had to work with a Somali once for a couple of weeks. His breath was like a decayed garlic blowtorch of stink. Hard worker, but man did he stink.
  13. Walking in to an elevator in Europe is like walking in to a tire store. Had garlic fries at a Dodgers game with work friends and we left at the 7th inning to catch the red eye back to Newark Liberty. Absolutely reeked of garlic and booze. People appeared to be sleeping, but we might have knocked them out with the stench.
  14. The Dems are apoplectic about him running. “Heckled within minutes.”
  15. Trump is more committed to NATO than Erdrogan (sp?) is.
  16. Is that Dan Rather reacting to Princess Di’s funeral procession? I thought I heard he draped himself over the hood of the hearse screaming like that as it went by.
  17. Data from 1979 to 2016. ?‍♀️ Swami says, nothing else happened in those 27 years that impacted job growth in the economy. And certainly all the minimum wage earners are still happily employed in their old jobs.
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