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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. The Onion’s on it SuperBowl Halftime Show Marred by Functioning Sound System.
  2. Pretty crappy offense game plan by the Rams. Like Wade’s D so far.
  3. Coonman didn’t pose for that picture. Somebody else made that happen.
  4. Or, if he were found to be 1/1024 KKK would he? Senator Byrd was more than that and he was REVERED by the Dems.
  5. I guess, “he’s a credit to his race,” wouldn’t fly either.
  6. I didn’t see him listed. Looked like he had a decent game. Late rounder or maybe a RFA. He showed some grit and good hands.
  7. Why yes I am. By the way, was I seeing things or was there a receiver from The Y at the Reese’s Senior Bowl?
  8. With it being so cold outside, my early draft thoughts are to make sure all the windows and doors are shut tight, then grab a blanket and a beer and head to the couch and turn on the tube.
  9. Dems now embrace Human Trafficking, Sex slavery, Unfettered abortion on demand, seizing capital assets from people with some wealth with the proposed coercion-powered taxation laws, free college for all, free healthcare for all, free cell phones if you need one, carbon taxes, outlawing ICE, allowing felons to vote, allowing anyone to vote, allowing anyone to vote multiple times in any given election, zero border enforcement, multi-culturalism, persecuting Christians - especially Catholics and Fundamentalists and Mormons, and refusing to honor our tradition of the peaceful transfer of power. That's some platform they've got going for them.
  10. I believe he wrote on here that he retired and was able to really cover TC at SJF every day. That was a couple of years ago and before he stopped posting here regularly. I check in on his Dreaftek picks around this time of year. He knows his subject matter. And you think they’re interested in getting reports from him on where their scouts have been?
  11. Wonder if they think this was faked. I do. I think it was a work done personally by Chris Matthews.
  12. Mandrake's conversation is about what I'd imagine DR would be experencing if he ever met General Jack D. Ripper... Gaytibs.
  13. Feinstein should be tied up, gagged, and removed from the Capitol. She had a Chinese SPY working for her for what - 20 years? How unimaginable is that. If she were a Republican, the left would absolutely crucify her.
  14. I'm certain POTUS was present during her hiring interviews, and personally recommended hiring her.
  15. I’m thinking a new David Copperfield act or perhaps a Christo.
  16. Shudda left a steaming pile of goat custards on the bar stool for them to clean up. He followed the Constitution.
  17. No BM, it was a bit “dirty.” But it was 100% payback for Bork and Thomas. By that accounting the Rs have at least 2 more dirty tricks to shiv the mofo Dems for. Maybe more actually because what’s been done to Kavanaugh and now the POTUS himself deserves a shitload more payback to the azzholes that are driving the agenda for the left wing lunatics and the “Never Trumpers.” To be clear I want to see a SC investigation into Comey, Clapper, Brennan, Hillary, the entire BO DOJ, Lois Lerner, Loretta Lynch, Holder, DWS just for starters. Cry “havoc,” and let slip the dogs of war!”
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