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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. I would love to see Brennan get frog-marched off the CNN studio set. The FBI should give him the same treatment they gave to Roger Stone.
  2. A "racial slur" by a republican won't be glossed over - even when it's not a racial slur. Andrea shows just how the liberals think - you can't call a black person lazy because it's a stereotype. I recall DC Tom telling how his use of the word "niggardly" at work caused a ruckus.
  3. Joe Biden was nothing more than Obama’s assassination insurance. Clyborn is a taker with his hand out and he knows Stink Finger Joe as a giver.
  4. To Biden and most libs, blacks are a monolith of sheep. They need the government to help feed and clothe them because they can’t do it for themselves. It’s their bigotry of low expectations that they have for blacks. Libs are despicable.
  5. President Reagan was 77 when he left office. Biden would be older than that when he enters the office... if he gets elected. You know how the press liked to hammer Reagan about his mental capacity. They won't touch Joe.
  6. Lewis was particularly nasty to the President. He called his presidency illegitimate. Politics can be petty, like the McCain's disinviting POTUS to Sid's funeral.
  7. I didn't notice that! Obviously, it's a Bills Fan's throw toy, or a harmless candle, or what Jeffery grabbed and used on Adam two seconds after the photo was snapped.
  8. I've posted this earlier, and just now again in the Democrats Cheat to win thread. It belongs here too. "Landslide Lyndon" From his book, "The American Story, Conversations With Master Historians" by David M. Rubenstein Chairman of the Boards of the Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, The Smithsonian Institution, and the Council on Foreign Relations, I quote the following conversation at the Library of Congress: Rubenstein: He finally decides to run for the Senate in 1948. Why is he called Landsliide Lyndon after the '48 election? Robert Caro (Johnson's historical biographer): Six days after the election, he's still behind the governor of Texas, Coke Stevenson. And suddenly another ballot box is found, a ballot box for Precinct 13. They open it and, if I remember this correctly, two hundred ballots were cast for Johnson. They were all cast by someone using the same handwriting and the same pen, and these people actually voted in alphabetical order. Rubenstein: Technically, he won by how many votes? Caro: Eighty-seven votes.
  9. "Landslide Lyndon" From his book, "The American Story, Conversations With Master Historians" by David M. Rubenstein Chairman of the Boards of the Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, The Smithsonian Institution, and the Council on Foreign Relations, I quote the following conversation at the Library of Congress: Rubenstein: He finally decides to run for the Senate in 1948. Why is he called Landsliide Lyndon after the '48 election? Robert Caro (Johnson's historical biographer): Six days after the election, he's still behind the governor of Texas, Coke Stevenson. And suddenly another ballot box is found, a ballot box for Precinct 13. They open it and, if I remember this correctly, two hundred ballots were cast for Johnson. They were all cast by someone using the same handwriting and the same pen, and these people actually voted in alphabetical order. Rubenstein: Technically, he won by how many votes? Caro: Eighty-seven votes.
  10. Well, they did give us zero.
  11. Has Early Onset Joe announced when he and his Dr. wife Jill plan on meeting their new grandson in Arkansas yet? Will he announce that date before or after he names his black ***** endowed running mate? What’s the over/under on that? And as a side bet, will it be the spit roasted “Heels up Harris”, or the Benghazi “Disgusting Internet Video” Liar and Unmasker Rice?
  12. That’s like saying they wouldn’t have f ***** d that leper if they knew what they know now.
  13. The Educational Intelligencia have always been communist sympathizers.
  14. Well, it did result in a first down for The Bills.
  15. British “Master Spies”... Only one of them was real. That’s right. Benedict Arnold. The rest are flights of fiction.
  16. Fixed it for you.
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