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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. What did he do - appropriate Lady Gaga’s wardrobes?
  2. Boy, Ann is really butt hurt. Sounds like she’s back banging Bill Maher. For the record, I’m opposed to declaring a national emergency, not because I don’t believe there is one - because I do. But it opens the door for the next POTUS to declare one to push his own agenda through. Pelosi said it Thursday. “There’s a national emergency of gun violence.” Think about Single Payer healthcare coverage. This is Harry Reid level game changing.
  3. A big part of AOC’s objection (and Lieawatha’s - like she should have anything to say about this local issue outside of her constituency) is the evil gentrification that occurs when something like this happens. The poor indigenous population gets displaced as the new young population moves into the neighborhood. Rents skyrocket and the other people get forced out because they can’t afford to live in their old neighborhoods. Sounds like the history of America. Its funny though. The Progs should love this. In China the central government decided to dam up the Yangtze River to generate electricity and greatly increase navigation, commerce, and economic development. The displacement of hundreds of millions of peasants was of little consequence. Their young people are all for it.
  4. In Provincetown, MA there is a Seaman’s National Bank. Word is they take night deposits in the rear. Of course. And Warren Buffet’s secretary pays more taxes than he does. Upset by getting “less” of an income tax refund too perhaps?
  5. If they don’t have warrants, all evidence they obtain is fruit of the poison tree and completely inadmissible in court. I’ll go to the fridge slowly to get a beer when the drop the soap shower scene(s) come up.
  6. From what I understand, a few police departments have the technology to pull a chip from any phone and get a full listing of every call# in and out and other metadata such as date and time. They then work with the cell phone providers who can help them triangulate (from cell towers that were pinged) where the call was made/taken. This ain’t Barney Fife of the Mayberry PD he’s dealing with.
  7. Don’t know. Stopped it about 2seconds in. Probably made at Google’s HQ in NYC by some staff charged with an ecumenical gender homogeneous psychotic initiative that’s tied to their yearly bonus and depends on getting at least 200,000 “likes”.
  8. The Clintons had Fleetwood Mac's "Don't Stop Thinking About Tomorrow" as their theme song. I recommend AOC and the other Leftists to use this as their theme song: "Basket Case." Here's the lyrics:
  9. I think this is what should have been linked: https://thehill.com/hilltv/rising/429394-nunes-says-gop-lawmakers-looking-through-russia-transcripts-plan-to-make
  10. Planned Parenthood needs to keep their money train alive - even though thy don't give a ***** about unborn babies. Thank you MSM. I never would entertain the thought of sleeping on that jug-eared stuttering doofus. Most women wouldn't either.
  11. I have no knowledge of what the LT Governor's Johnson smells like, but I think it left a bad taste in the lady's mouth. Oh, and there are two accusers now. One in college and then the DNC kissing led to a hummer. This is GREAT news! Halloween parties now can feature whites in Black Face and wearing KKK Costumes. Still might be frowned upon if one shows up in NAZI uniforms, but Confederate unis and flags must be A-OK now!
  12. You got it. The only bad people in this world are White Americans that worship God, and mostly its the males - unless the women don't believe in abortion past the first trimester.
  13. That happened at the very end of their inquisition. It’s very broad and vague though. He’s been an attorney for quite some time and the way the inquisitor asked the question could be interpreted as have you ever... Pretty sure he’s become aware of pardons somewhere along the long dusty trail.
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