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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. Isn’t it grand how non citizens opine on our tax code subtleties. Like they give two s hits or really care. Because like the venemous Left they have no skin in the game. They’re sterile bystanders.
  2. Amazon’s 2018 Annual Report Amazon’s current Proxy Statement From AR page 75, executive compensation is contained in the Proxy Statement. That data begins on PS page 11. Now you know. Everything you need to know about Amazon’s finances is contained in these documents. Enjoy the read Coach.
  3. You dyslexic? Its the Lt. Goobernor on the Left. He's the rapist. The other two Goobers are just regular Dem racists.
  4. Not for nothing, but a lot of Republicans are a bit put-off by this as well. Amazon's done nothing "wrong" or illegal though. The Federal tax brackets were lowered on corporations - ALL corporations. Amazon is especially crafty WRT income taxes. They didn't collect any state sales taxes until (IIRC) 2017. There's the repatriation of offshore gains that factor in as a one time non-recurring issue. They've spent billions in building and supplying massive warehouses all over the country - and world, and those assets can be depreciated. One really LARGE kicker though is the bonuses given out to management. Those are all write-offs and total in the billions (IIRC). That's where a lot of their profits got stashed. Though, to be fair the bonus payees have to pay taxes on those monies/stocks (at least eventually). Uncle Sam always gets his money. That's why you have to take RMDs from your qualified plans in the year you turn 70 1/2. It's why you can't buy an insurance policy with qualified money - that would evade taxation on the principle.
  5. Can we see Amazon’s tax returns? I wonder what write offs they’re taking. The depreciation on their warehouses must be considerable. How is their A Prime revenue accounted for? I’m going to get a copy of their AR and have a look-see.
  6. His posts read like the writings of David Bellavia.
  7. Snowball's chance in Hell of that ever happening, though he deserves it 1000% more than B. O. did.
  8. What? You don't believe in the AOC model? Why money (in the form of taxes) not collected (deferred for several years) is the foundation of economic prosperity when the government then actually spends it (the non-existent cash) in a manner the Left adores. e.g., Amazon got a government coupon, now the Left wants to use the money that coupon represents to spend that amount in real money. The Demi Citizens vote? I thought that was illegal. But to a Dem, no vote is illegal unless it's for a Republican. Please! Think of the Children! If just one child is saved, it's worth it. [/#ANTIGUNRANTERS]
  9. And envious and greedy. I think she has a boyfriend though... She will probably say the money for the wall (all of it) should be used to fund high speed trains across the Great Lakes. Think of the prosperity that will bring!
  10. Congress has abdicated their responsibility for decades to craft and pass a budget to fund the running of the government. Instead we get these horseshit string of contuing resolutions that fund sectors of the government. No POTUS can sign a bill or budget that isn’t presented to them. None of the CR’s he previously signed had anything to do with the DHS which is where the wall funding item resides. Most of our representatives in Washington believe their Job One is to get re-elected. They don’t want to be held accountable by getting skin in the game on controversial, thorny, and tough issues like immigration reform, Social Security, and Medicare reform. The last politician with the intelligence and gravitas to tackle a thorn bush like this was Senator Moynihan’s reform of Social Security. There are no players on the stage now that come close to being his peer.
  11. Why do they want to come to America when they don’t speak the language? Wouldn’t they be safe in Mexico?
  12. She’s a farging icehole. She thinks the NY State will spend the $3B that was earmarked as tax breaks for Amazon on infrastructure and low rent housing. They’re in no way equivalent. Amazon would have poured over $30 Billion to the city and state over time. The infrastructure she wants is a net expenditure with zero payback for the government forevermore.
  13. I definitely can picture Trump sending a letter to the Senate President pro tempore and Stretch Pelosi telling them that he’s unable to perform the duties of the office of POTUS.
  14. Shush. Trickledown economics! Crumbs! The Dems are the party of the smartest people.
  15. Can’t wait to hear D’Blowhard, Accidentally Ocassional Cortex, and Infanticide Andy reveal their big plans to pump that $3 Billion back into Queens. I wonder how they’re going to invest their new found prosperity now that Amazon isn’t going to steal it from them.
  16. In NJ they’re done at State facilities that are like a parking lot.
  17. I got my license in NYS. Took the test in a manual transmission car. Had to parallel park, do a K turn, park the car on a hill at the curb, and use hand signals for turning. The road test was on the city streets - not in a plaza like parking lot.
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