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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. I LOVE the fact that they’re punching back. The Leftist have to shown there are consequences to that ***** that they do.
  2. That 2.5B is already in the pockets of the Dems donors, who in turn have those Dems in their pockets. Thats how how it works in big gubment.
  3. Can someone explain to me like I’m five, how do plastic straws on the US mainland have anything the f ***** to do with the “swirling mass” of detritus that is in the middle of the Pacific Ocean? Shouldn’t the SE Asian countries, China, Japan, and China be asked about this mess that they created?
  4. Sometimes. But in my phone the editor restores my text (sometimes) if I never hit the submit button. I post on different devices through the day, and evening, and overnight. You might try going to the main (foosball) page and then try to respond again on that thread once you're back here. It might work. Like I said, it's spotty. Sometimes it gets restored and I've already posted my response. Probably has to do with my browser cache too. Good luck. Keep posting! them
  5. Sounds like another politician we all know. They’re such honest and genuinely good people. They can look past the blackface and KKK memberships and see the really, really good that dwells in the hearts of their fellow Democrats. You know - the connections and access to money and governmental power. It’s purifying to the soul. So much good can be done with the unlimited money and power that holding high public office provides to the victors. The victims be damned. They get tossed aside and the vanquished get crushed.
  6. Something tells he that he has a long history of taking one for the team. Many teams, I’d Bet.
  7. That sounds so typically Democrat. Like when the corrupt Sen. Bob Torricelli was on the ropes in his re-election bid due to his high profile criminal acts that even the Party loyalists couldn’t ignore (unlike Mendez’s), and they sued to put Frankenstein Lautenberg on the ticket - even when the state’s constitution said it could not be done within 45 days of the election. Dems are the Donner Party and their underhanded game book is despicable because it’s nothing short of coercion.
  8. The early dirt is likely about his infidelities though his three marriages and dealing with mob-related construction and gaming connections. Nothing to do with Russia and truly just business as usual in New York and Nuevo Jersey.
  9. Did he actually join the Democrat party? Pretty bizarre that he ran as an Independent to be the Democrat candidate. Wonder if Phauxahontis will demand that he give up two of his three houses.
  10. I think Mueller will release the initial dirt they have had on Trump from waaaaay before he actually announced he was going to run. It’s probably stuff they collected from back in the 80s or so when he wrote his book and was making some bluster about running. It’s the stuff that put him on their radar long ago. They had to watch this loose cannon of an iconoclast so they could keep him blocked or in-line if the time came that they felt they needed to. But then he’ll seal the rest and say that all information they received during and after the campaign came as the result of the fruit of the poison tree and as such, although credible and likely true, it is inadmissible in a court of law. So the doubt they sewed will still exist. It’s how things are done in the swamp. Of course he’ll have to throw a bunch of the FBI and DOJ and perhaps CIA and others under the bus. But he and RR will skate and the #RESISTANCE will retain its dead horse to continue its mindless flogging into perpetuity. Barr won’t unseal anything and POTUS won’t declassify anything either. Barr - because he’s a GHW kind of guy, and Trump - because he doesn’t want to get shot or Baron to have a horrible accident.
  11. Congress has abdicated their responsibility for decades to craft and pass a budget to fund the running of the government. Instead we get these horseshit string of contuing resolutions that fund sectors of the government. No POTUS can sign a bill or budget that isn’t presented to them. None of the CR’s he previously signed had anything to do with the DHS which is where the wall funding item resides. Most of our representatives in Washington believe their Job One is to get re-elected. They don’t want to be held accountable by getting skin in the game on controversial, thorny, and tough issues like immigration reform, Social Security, and Medicare reform. The last politician with the intelligence and gravitas to tackle a thorn bush like this was Senator Moynihan’s reform of Social Security. There are no players on the stage now that come close to being his peer. The he above might be a repost. With at least 10,000,000 people here illegally and some say as many as 30,000,000 and there are people who don’t think this is a national emergency? I agree. It’s a national CRISIS.
  12. Well, I provided him with the info he needed to uncover their scheme.
  13. Eye ain't know sh it head! I too English speak well.
  14. This is a particularly onerous bugger. I know it's PPP, but why and how this abject canker hasn't been given a time out is beyond me. He/She/It's vile to the core and adds negative i.e., not even black matter to the universe.
  15. I hope whoever committed this crime gets prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
  16. He so pretty he probably has his ***** hairs groomed in a twirled-up mustache.
  17. I hope the people who committed this crime get prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
  18. As soon as Tony gets a boney. Dont think his Hummer Abba Dabba will let him park it in her garage.
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