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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. I know he doesn’t own Kraft-Heinz, but it’s a bad day for the name Kraft.
  2. Maybe he can start a drama club while he’s inside the big house.
  3. He walks and talks like a fellow traveller. Putin evidently wanted him to become the Director of the FBI too.
  4. Just for the record - Stalin is still viewed as a "bad guy" right? But Bernie went bare chested to the USSR on his honeymoon. Na Zdorovie!
  5. But I don't know any women named Margarita. Do I need one? How can I meet one?
  6. You body's smartest mussel is in your ass. It can tell the difference between solid, liquid, and gas. You're welcome. I hate to break it to you Fergy. This is a well known and documented condition - at least to the Seventh Circle of Secret Initiates. It has to do with your parents and the Tooth Fairy. You see, contrary to popular belief, the Tooth Fairy only visits children who put their pulled tooth under their pillow at night - IF the parents grease the palm of the little critter. Oh, he'll show up anyway. But if they haven't given him some gold, he gets pissed, doesn't leave the kid the quarter, and if the parents do it again, the vengeful little bastage lifts up the sleeping kid's eyelids and blows Fairy Lint under them. It's almost impossible to get rid of. So, there ya go. Mystery solved. You can thank your stingy parents for screwing with the Fates and your eyesight for the rest of your life.
  7. I heard this morning that NBA players wear their shoes for maybe three games. Zion evidently was wearing the same pair all season. Those are BIG men who put a LOT of stress on their feet and the equipment they contain them in. Hey, even tires blow out "unexpectedly," but ya gotta check the tread and inflation pressures every once in awhile.
  8. Enjoy the warm weather and sun.
  9. Their scorn is real. They so desperately wanted the story to be real. They detest Trump and his supporters so. Now they’re left looking like the hacks they are.
  10. Right. I distinctly remember how FDR was removed from office and replaced with Winston Churchill. That was a sad/glorious day depending on your point of view.
  11. That's a whole lot of campfires the Neanderthals must have made to melt all that ice.
  12. No worries. AOC is already hatching plans to spend that saved money on housing for the burgeoning middle class in Long Island City. Yes, he was invaluable there - pointing out to Coach K that Zion when down and looked hurt.
  13. Well, what if they catch him when he's standing? They could remove him from office then! [#@AccasionallyOperationalCortex] #RESIST! Perhaps unsubstantial is more apropos.
  14. New Green Deal Housing! Look - no doors, and maybe no walls! How fitting. Can't wait to sign up for this luxurious accommodations this great prosperity will bring to all!
  15. I heard the $250M figure includes punitive damages. I don’t know what the multiplier factor for that is in the state where the trials will be held. But whatever that is, it’s clearly the largest component of that figure.
  16. No, no, no. Koko78. A thousand times NO! The FBI removes the President under the authority given to them in the 25th Amendment. Then they shuffle off the Vice President in the same manner. Then Nancy Pelosi becomes POTUS and appoints Hillary her VP. Then Nancy gets a double tap suicide visit in a DC part late at night in a failed robbery attempt. And THEN Hillary assumes her rightful place in the pantheon of Dictators.
  17. Look at the great PROGRESS the New Green Deal promises us. Great means of transportation around the city, grinding our home-farmed grains into flours, and a totally green means of air travel! What's not to love, and what could possibly go wrong. I can feel the prosperity already.
  18. Keereckt! This is what they've got in store for cows! And as far as transportation on the canals and rivers, I guess they'll have to come up with something like this.
  19. True, but there are others that will get stung as well. He'll probably end up getting more from the Catholic Diocese than any of the other defendants. His lawyer is the one who won the defamation case against the Atlanta Olympic "Bomber" Richard Jewel.
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