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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. And he’s so full of his Cis-gendered Lilly white privileged Northern ass to believe that anything he says or writes could ever be construed as racist. We all know that only Southern white cracker rednecks are racists. Late to this party, and others have already pointed out the error of this statement. But I’ll point out the sloppy nature of this accusation as just another of this un-woke prig’s self-centered delusional construct of what’s really going on around him. Of course. No TRUE racist would infer that a white, a *****, a mick, a *****, or a ***** was a plate-lipped *****. You're as pure as the driven snow. Look in the mirror ass munch. You’re the one doing the mental mas turbation here.
  2. “This story was like catnip to the left, to the media, and to stump-broke conservatives who live to be praised by the left as reasonable. By the end of the day, long before the #### had crowed three times, their own bishop had disowned them and the young man in center of the storm, Nick Sandmann, was being personally vilified by Twitter blue-checkmark reporters, politicians, editorial pages, and late-night television eunuchs.” That author has a way with words. That’s exactly what happened to him.
  3. Of course not. Don't you know that the entire NK rocket and A Bomb programs started once Trump's Administration took charge and not a minute before. If he had just folded his arms and ignored the little tyrant, they wouldn't have nukes nor missiles that are capable of traveling across the Pacific and potentially hitting the US homeland. Bush, Clinton, W, and Barry had us so safe just by thumbing their noses at L'il Kim. Yes, as stated above. It worked out so swimmingly for the previous Presidents. Why didn't Trump just follow their intransigence? Oh, I forgot. He's the FIRST US President to have a HOSTILE North Korea that is armed with Nukes and ICBMs. How did that happen?
  4. Oh sweet Jesus. It would be hilarious to see her on a range with a gun loaded with blanks. The puzzled look on her mug when she sees that she “missed” the target every time would be meme fodder for years.
  5. You ever apply for a Chinese or Russian visa? It reads like an FBI background check. Then they have eyes on you every step of the way that you’re there. Bugs aplenty too. ? The Senator from Beijing says, “You’re welcome.” See the above. Maybe they could have adjoining cells. Was in China in the fall of 2017. Hundreds of high rises litter the skyline all along the Yangtze. It looked like > 50% were vacant and it still under construction. But the thousands of building cranes (China’s “National Bird”) we’re silent. We were told it was because the CCP was having their biannual convention. I’d wager they are still silent and the half-built bridges are still incomplete as are the access roads to them. Preeze to be going aroun backside. Backside. No deal with L’il Kim till Trump & Xi smoke the peace pipe. Xi is the 800 lb gorilla on the Asian continent.
  6. Oh yeah? Well, she’s “the boss,” so sit down and shut up because she’s in charge and has a big vision on how to fix EVERYTHING that’s wrong in the world and YOU don’t have a say in it at all. [/AOC’SJUSTICEFORTHELITTLEPEOPLE]
  7. If you owned a penguin I’d bet that’s what you would name it.
  8. They’d probably have to do several generations that way, continuing to add back more mammoth DNA each time if they can. This reminds me somewhat of when people tried crossing the Bison with cows to get “Beefalo.” It took a long time but eventually was successful. Elephants are incredible social animals and it’s hard to see how an elephant cow would treat a genetic mutant even if she gave birth to it. Maybe if her name isn’t Cuomo the little mammoth would stand a chance.
  9. This issue is one which I had the biggest problem with former AG Jeff Sessions. He was all for it to the hilt. Glad it's a slam dunk 9-0 decision against that by The Supremes.
  10. Typical Leftist. "Mommy Management" is what I call it. I'm the Boss! You're being bad! Go sit in the corner. You're getting a 'Time Out' because you're so naughty!
  11. I actually watched it for the first time in about 15 years or more. I enjoyed it for the most part. There was surprisingly little smack talk although there was the usual mastubatory self-referential fawning and preening of their special interest constituencies. Leave no victim behind! Wonder how horrified they’ll be when they realize they were staring at The POTUS’s coiffure all night. He’s been in their heads since 2016.
  12. Green Book is the only one I’ve seen. Wife and I saw it a week ago. I was ver entertained. Made me recall a lot of bigotry and bias in the north.
  13. That was “must see TV,” or in other words “Appointment Television” in its day.
  14. Why did the Russian’s Hacking of the 2018 election get such little attention in the media? I mean it’s obvious that they wanted Pelosi to be Speaker of the house so they could open up all the investigations on Trump that they wanted and further hamstring our government. It’s also obvious that Comey, Brenner, Clapper, and McCabe are Russian assets that are being paid handsomely by their new MSM bosses.
  15. He’s not the victim I’M the victim.
  16. Common man. It’s obvious. It was Kiko Alonzo.
  17. Do we get a rebate on welfare, food stamps, and Affirmative Action?
  18. Yes. Coincidence. He might own some of their stock, but he’s not the “owner.” The guy who really took it in the pooper is Warren Buffet. He lost about $3 BILLION today. Would love to see the NFL force Kraft to sell his team. It could happen. Conduct detrimental to the League and behavior unbefitting an NFL owner.
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