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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. I happen to be in Schenectady and last night at dinner in a public restaurant, I saw a sixty something ragged looking old guy who was wearing a sweatshirt with a silkscreened image of a naked woman with Trump’s head sitting on Vlad’s lap. People are insane. Insane.
  2. And, and, and and he had a white truck blocking CNN’s cameras from watching him golf for a week! #BREAKINGNEWS.
  3. And that’s just ONE of hundreds if not thousands of THOSE hate groups.
  4. Don’t mean shite. Everybody knows MAGA hat wearin’ White privileged cis gendered pro-life Christians are the people that are the world’s worst terrorist group and are universally to be feared and hated.
  5. Well, I walked up to Hillary while wearing an I’m With Her ➡️ Shirt and told her she was a ***** liar and a crook that should be in jail, and that I wasn’t with her anymore.
  6. MSM might be triggered by nonconforming narrative images. Of course they could have run a story with this headline: Trump uses tax payer paid transportation to shamelessly view devastated properties he’s now eying for a new TRUMP casino.
  7. Those Villages videos were posted 10 years ago and were at least 10 years old at that time. Here’s a little more current look at the Left’s White Knight. Here he is as an honest younger man in the 70s. DEMOCRACY DIES IN DARKNESS
  8. Sorry to hear that . It's a terrible affliction. That said, I remember when he retired and went into the booth to be a commentator. On one pitch Seaver said, and I quote, "Right down the ol' poop Shute!" There was deathly silence in the booth for over a minute after that. Hooray Tom Terrific. You were entertaining on the field and in the booth.
  9. 2nd Sunday of March. We "lose" an hour of sleep, but now it'll be dusk around 7:00 or so.
  10. Looked to me like that was a flash back from when she wasn't quite a Faceless person and was being chased by her nemesis - the older young woman. We all know how that ended. That happened all the time in the age of antiquities. Pharaohs would marry their siblings, likewise in a lot of other cultures - to keep the Royal bloodline pure. Thank you so much. We all owe you a debt of gratitude because now we don't have to actually watch these shows. The shows are ahead of the books at this point. Winterfell will fall. It's the northern most post in the Kingdoms. It has to fall. Question is will the Night King bring back the dead Starks to join his army? Remember, the Wood Sprite people created him who was JAG by killing him with Isinglass to protect them from "man." They're a bit like werewolves. The one who kills and resurrects the zombie controls them, and when it dies - they all do. There's only one logical conclusion to that plot line. It's the zombie apocalypse until the Night King gets it. Arya's dagger will be put to good use, no doubt.
  11. Ed’s Thread: I suck. I blow. I’m a horrible human being. Then he he would never give up the particulars.
  12. Norwood just didn’t have the leg for that distance. I knew he’d miss it too.
  13. Future filled with book deals, movie rights, sweet spot on TV as a pundit. There are lots of promises to keep. I hope he rots in jail.
  14. It’s just Leaky-Speak. It’s clearly illegal leakers trying to get s ***** out there and their media monkey friends giving them cover in exchange for a desperate scoop. Their chins are dripping with spunk and a short and curly hair or two. Nah. It’s the Democrat way. Rules are for other people.
  15. Cohen has the diction of a flannel-mouthed goober. He does not impress one whit.
  16. I’m still paying that f ***** healthcare tax. $3k a year. F ***** you. That and the alternative minimum taxes. My BIL was key in keeping that in place and won biggly in court against a large company. To this day he thinks deductions should be capped and defends the AMT. ****head.
  17. It wasn’t Bavaro. If Talley tackles Dave Meggett on 3rd and 19 on the Jints opening 3rd quarter drive The Bills would have won. Also I’d Lofton didn’t get tacked on the game opening bomb from Kelly he would have scored instead they only got a field goal. And if Bruce shook the ball out of Hostetler’s hand And they got a TD insofar a safety, The Bills would have won. Thanks for making me relive my nightmare.
  18. That’s becoming a huge issue around the country and the world.
  19. Their debates are like David Stockman Vs. William F. Buckley.
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