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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. Go wash your mind out with soap. No. Make it a Brillo pad. Then go to your room and no soup for you tonight! I'll drink Champagne if they go 0-16.
  2. And we’ll beat his azz twice a year for the next decade.
  3. Named (and patented) the most famous and delicious dish he ever created and right here on OTW.
  4. Doesn’t matter what they do. This Board will be: https://giphy.com/gifs/shocked-seinfeld-kramer-QMcamps7Gzj2g
  5. They were there in support of the march for life. It’s the antithesis of the Leftist Planned Parenthood abortion mill that culls baby parts and sells them to Tony Podesta’s personal chef to use at his intimate dinner parties.
  6. OK! $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ ---------------------------------------------------------- ____________________________________ | | | | | | Downpayment - a pallet of cash I got from B.O.'s unmarked plane headed (supposedly) to Tehran.
  7. Don't believe I'd ever heard of Charles Ng before. OMG what a fiend.
  8. The azzwipe deleted it. Shite like that really rankles me. I started a new one this morning when I discovered that. Apologies to 3rd for not seeing his (this) thread.
  9. Sorry, didn't see you had created one. I think the sh itty coward deleted his. I'll stop posting here. It'll take a Mod to merge the two... I believe.
  10. I hope they sue the Diocese for millions and win. The US is no respect or of religions per the Constitution. Lying sleazy Leftists try using religion against believers when they themselves have no moral compass and are interested only in anarchy and sowing discord.
  11. I hope the kid prevails in all the lawsuits he and his legal team bring against the Leftist scum that sullied his name.
  12. He’s likely still the best pass blocking back in the NFL. Josh’s first move on drop backs isn’t going to be, “Where the heck can I run to?” Beane is making a pocket platform for Josh.With Morse at Center we’re more stout up the middle than we have been since maybe Kent Hull was making snaps. Ty Nsekhe beat the crap out of Clowney. And José’s bigger brother Mongo is probably better than any of our Guards from last year. They're building the team around Josh people, and it starts with protecting him and giving him some receivers that can get open and catch the damn ball. Gore and Shady are excellent targets. Yell into the night sky if you will, but I for one can see method to this “madness.” Cant wait for TC & the PS when Josh gets 95% of the reps with the #1s. It’s springtime and the dawn of the Allen Era. Be thankful you’re here to witness it.
  13. That’s a ridiculous assertion. Next year The Bills will have MORE Cap room than they had THIS year. Time to elevate your horizons.
  14. For your (our) listening pleasure. It was at the time a VERY controversial thing. Believe it or not.
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