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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. Ah, good morning PPP! And a very good morning it is. Donald J Trump is still our PRESIDENT, and the Russian collusion hoax is completely discredited. It’s morning in America.
  2. Working on it. On my 4th V&T after a gimlet. Lots of pent up psychic steam to blow off. Thanks.
  3. There are many very good and decent Canadians. I know some personally. im not going to join in the banter of knocking them.
  4. I’m not quite all in with Joe in Winslow or wherever the Fock he is now, but I gotta tell you all, I want to see the pain brought to these sleaze encrusted s hit heads that have done this travesty of a disservice to America. I want some human flesh boiled in oil (figuratively, you panty waist limp wristed Brie baked in Philo California Over-Oaked Chardonnay sipping Croakie glasses hanging mother f ***** snowflakes) and have it done in PRIME TIME. And on ALL the major networks. I want to have the #RESIST movement backed up, bent over into the red hot glowing exhaust pipe of a semi truck that’s been driven a hundred miles at top speed and it’s engine is revving with ME in the driver’s seat gunning the ***** engine till their insides explode. Good night.
  5. Does Hillary burning pictures of him in effigy in her Chappaqua basement count? Asking for for a friend.
  6. I posted that elsewhere under the ruse that Streisand came around and endorsed Trump. My favorite story about her was she was double dipping in a bowl of dip at a party in the Hamptons. The host was so grossed out that she insisted Barbara take the whole dish home with her.
  7. Sad day for soooooo many. The President of the United States is definitively found NOT to be a Russian puppet/traitor. And people are upset and throwing tantrums because this is the case.
  8. So Mueller's done with his report. Does Trump fire him NOW? FINALLY? Maybe he'll fire Nancy Pelosi next.
  9. Ask Tibs. His pre-Nazi ancestors came to Virginia in the 1600s and in all likelihood owned slaves. Slavery was legal in all the colonies. Massachusetts was the first to ban the practice... in 1780, PA, New Hampshire followed suit. New York - 1799-1824. Ohio - 1802. New Jersey 1804. Connecticut and RI did it in 1784.
  10. Those would be fine... zubaz, not so much. Keep us updated about your friend, Foxx. Hope he's okay.
  11. FIVE Things That Didn't Happen 1. Mueller did not indict Donald Trump Jr., Jared Kushner, or other people whose purported legal jeopardy was the subject of intense media speculation in the last year. 2. Mueller did not charge anyone in the Trump campaign or circle with conspiring with Russia to fix the 2016 election, as was the subject of intense media speculation in the last year. 3. Mueller did not subpoena the president, as was the subject of intense media speculation in the last year. 4. The president did not fire Mueller, as was the subject of intense media speculation in the last year. 5. The president did not interfere with the Mueller investigation, as was the subject of intense media speculation in the last year. In his letter to Congress, Barr noted the requirement that he notify lawmakers if top Justice Department officials ever interfered with the Mueller investigation. "There were no such instances," Barr wrote.
  12. I’m going to post more tomorrow. I’m getting a tooter on right now. Probably will be incoherent soon.
  13. Submitted today to the USAG. No new indictments forthcoming WRT Trump/Russian “collusion” or much of anything, really. https://judiciary.house.gov/sites/democrats.judiciary.house.gov/files/documents/AG March 24 2019 Letter to House and Senate Judiciary Committees.pdf Thanks Foxx!
  14. Not around these parts at this time of year. Obviously you’re not obviously aware of some obviously classic TBDisms, obviously. To whit: Ground up and in the freezer, F5, self of steam, and Deers. JK took Mario Williams on a personal tour of the area and MW freaked when he saw at Kelly’s house... “deers” in his backyard.
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