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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. What an azz. Looking forward to his New Cheap Deal when he removes the patents from ethical pharmaceuticals. Then we can look forward to lower insurance, telephone and telecommunication services, Amazon Prime fees, computer and software costs! It'll be a worker's paradise. https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/business/2018/04/05/highest-paid-ceos-americas-100-largest-companies/488630002/
  2. Not sure what Dean was thinking, but in that mock there are quite a few Offensive weapons available that would be a lot more tempting to me at least. Would want Washington's Round #2 pick.
  3. The information you so fervently desire can be found about 12 posts above yours. Here's a link if you're window-scrolling-challenged:
  4. Sure, I’ll give you that. But when Obama ended the Cold War it meant that Bill Clinton was supposed to be President - not Trump!
  5. There sure are thousands of dead Democrats that vote Democrat -regardless of their political affiliation while they were alive.
  6. Can’t wait for future historians to write books about how FDR had a romantic relationship with Marilyn Monroe and Lyndon Johnson had her killed so he could become President and end the Korean War.
  7. Welcome to the club. I take a not insignificant modicum of comfort in the fact that by the time that brain-dead POS AOC is retirement age, she and her ilk will have totally bankrupted Social Security, and if there is a God in heaven, she’ll be a homeless bag lady.
  8. Alternatively you could buy cannabis stocks online. There are several tobacco and beer companies that are heavily invested in weed. They are well established and pay dividends and should appreciate in value over time - especially when the inevitable happens. Might be a safer but long term bet. Maybe not. Go Bills 19 - 0 Baby!* *The royalty check's in the mail The Senator ;-)
  9. I think they should use the new high speed rail in California to load 'em all up and ship 'em as far north on the left coast as possible in as fast a manner as possible. British Columbia is really nice at this time of year. Didn't True-doh! say he'd accept all the refugees? Let him have 'em. Alternatively, we could go to war with Mexico and force them to make internment camps on their southern border and make them handle the humanitarian crisis.
  10. Good luck and best wishes. Greyhounds are very special dogs - and most dogs are special.
  11. My condolences. Dogs become like children in a family. Their passing is very difficult to bear. We we had a 12 year old Bernese Mountain Dog that had hip displaysia and had gotten to the point where he was in a lot of pain and had enormous trouble just standing up. We we decided that keeping him alive was simply selfish on our part because we loved him so and couldn’t bear the thought of putting him down. At at some point it’s the right thing to do. I cried like a baby when we did it. Peace.
  12. So he practices geophagy? He’s a pica. Hoo new?!!!
  13. The he supplemental Part B is bought from a private carrier. The basic part of Part B is a government plan that pays for Dr visits and a few other things. It has a deductible. The basic Part B premium is at a minimum $134 which they take out of your SS check each month. Then, on top of that you can get a private policy to cover some of what Medicare Part B doesn’t cover.
  14. “Tusk”! Tusk? Is House of Cards THAT popular in the Merry Old UK? Sounds like they’ve been watching reruns over there.
  15. Erdogan was a better coup plotter than Hillary.
  16. I’m still skeptical that it will go very far. Hopeful, but seeing is believing.
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