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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. Nope. Haven't heard a thing except TDS infected people's tears falling on the ground.
  2. He sounds a lot like Joe Banner the former Iggle exec who never has a kind word to say about The Bills.
  3. She got nowhere near the POTUS, she was apprehended and put under arrest. Not sure what to make of it. Doesn’t sound like a sophisticated espionage attempt. White House fence jumpers have been more successful.
  4. These are recycled Iggles Unis that Philly rejected as being atrocious.
  5. Well, the dam just broke. They found the Russian Prostitutes and they're talking. Actually one is yapping like little dog.
  6. "And when I'm elected President of your Kindergarten Class, we will say goodbye to homework and hello to all-day every-day Pizza Parties!" Robert Francis' main platform.
  7. I support lowering the voting age to the beginning of the third trimester.
  8. Buzz off. They ran on at length this morning on who would have a better year Donaldson or Jackson.
  9. GMF doesn’t give The Bills much love at all. IMHO.
  10. He was such a standout at the University of Rochester.
  11. Hadn't seen this thread in awhile. Thought for certain it was about the lawyer Joe Biden.
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