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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. They have the same nose. The NK’s is built up to match Bran’s. Or could be that he’s a Stark like Jon’s uncle who stayed behind when the WWs swarmed the cadre at the frozen lake.
  2. https://www.twobillsdrive.com/community/profile/28485-thebeane/ Hasnt been online since Friday.
  3. Bernie, "Let Felons Vote While They're Still in Jail."
  4. Sessions soiled himself with his recusal. If he were not removed, imagine how the Dems would howl if Mueller were giving their findings to Sessions to write the report. He didn't mention Weissmann by name, but I'm pretty sure that's one of the two he was thinking of. I hope Schiff gets served and I hope Flynn gets cleared. Mueller's team went hard after the facts and in the end there were no facts to support collusion or obstruction. I.e., NO COLLUSION!!!
  5. I’m doing this to keep his avatar off the front page.
  6. Hmmm. Why can't the Dems hand pick their own fixer? Doesn't seem fair now, does it.
  7. *****. When the Scotts talk it’s like the sound of gravel running down a metal chute while you’re wearing ear muffs that your granny gave you as a toddler.
  8. Da Bill-a-jizz comin’ Ta’ yer home town. Da Bill-a-jizz comin’ Ta’ yer home town. Da Bill-a-JIZZ!!!! Democrat Anthem. Kill and sell as many dismembered infant body parts as possible for the maximum profit!
  9. I got yer two daffodils right here, pal!
  10. Well, they do have the moral high ground, don’t they? Weve been told that ad nauseum.
  11. I soooooo want President Trump to embrace this affectation of African American speech. He should do the same with Latino audiences, and Oriental audiences too. Every ting be ivory mon. He could juice it up a ton.
  12. WTH! Again? Who was in there this time - Roger Stone?
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