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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. More: Mr.Jordan. SothePerkinsCoiedirectly--alawyerwithPerkins Coie directly hands you information dealing with the Russia investigation, not with the dossier but with the Russia investigation, and this is Michael Sussman, who is the lawyer for the Democrat National Committee and Secretary Clinton's Presidential campaign, he's giving you information. When did this take place again? Mr. Baker. I can't remember specifically. Again, I believe there's a -- I referred this to the investigators, and I believe they made a record of it and put the -- there's evidence -- you know, they tookinformation. Thereisanevidencerecordofwhatitis. Ican't specifically remember when it was. Mr. Jordan. Before the election or after the election? Mr. Baker. I think it was before. Mr. Jordan. You think it was before? Mr. Baker. Yes, sir.
  2. Sounds like he's under investigation already. Page 36 Mr.Jordan. Howaboutin--IthinkyouprobablyknowwhereI'm headed -- how about leading up to just prior to the election of -- Presidential election of 2016, how many times did you talk with David Corn in the weeks and months prior to election day? Mr. Baker. I don't remember. Mr. Jordan. Is it fair to say you did? Mr. Baker. Yes, I did, but I just don't remember how many. Mr.Jordan. Anddid--sodidyoutalktoMr.Cornaboutanything that the FBI was working on, specifically the now infamous Steele dossier? Mr. Levin. One second. [Discussion off the record.] Mr. Levin. I'm sorry, I'm going to cut -- not let him answer these questions right now. You may or may not know, he's been the subject of a leak investigation which is still -- a criminal leak investigationthat'sstillactiveattheJusticeDepartment. SoIam cutting off -- Mr. Jordan. Can you speak more in the mike there? Mr. Levin. I'm sorry. I'm cutting off any discussion about conversations with reporters. Mr. Jordan. Based on -- Mr.Meadows. You'resayinghe'sundercriminalinvestigation? That's why you're not letting him answer? Mr. Levin. Yes.
  3. I know when there's a crime committed here and the police confiscate evidence, e.g., drugs, cash, cars, etc., they get to keep half and the DA's office gets to keep half once the trial is over. If the Feds are in on it, they get some of the split too. Not sure with banking and who the legal entities are that imposed the sanctions, but everybody involved will likely get a cut of that money.
  4. So when is Mueller going to get around to having Judge Emmet Sullivan sentencing General Flynn?
  5. Their problem is that ANYONE giving THIS POTUS ANY positive press is complicit in his Xenophobia, Homophobia, Islamophobia, Over-Sexed Shenanigans, and other horrific stances like being against fourth trimester abortions!
  6. It’s projection. Because if they were rich and powerful that’s exactly how they feel and would act towards the “great unwashed.”
  7. Another day and, STILL NO COLLUSION!!! Except by the Dems, Hillary, Podestas, McCabe, Strozk, Page, Our, etc., etc., etc.
  8. Said same Dan Norton. Some mad natural ability on display. Runs like Shady but looks a lot taller. Wonder if he's interested in the program.
  9. Point of Oar Door, she/he/it could get lamb basted and lose a lot of self of steam in that Twitter ***** Space
  10. I see what you did there!^^^^ And yes, I'm ta-ta-ta-ta taping it.
  11. Time to roll out this timeless NSFW gem... Remember it's NSFW!
  13. The China lady barging in at Mara Largo make this one a certainty. A lot of heads are going to roll in the DHS now.
  14. Nunes will be sending eight criminal referrals to the DOJ concerning Leaks, Conspiracy, Lying to and Misleading Congress 5 are straight up referrals for Lying and Misleading Congress One is for FISA Abuses and other matters One is for Illegally Leaking confidential testimonies One is for "manipulating" evidence in the OSC investigation
  15. President Trump said he has created over six million jobs since taking office. Using B O’s calculator he could probably claim that he “created or saved” over twenty million jobs.
  16. Appointment television. Shes incredible. What she’s been through I wouldn’t wish on anyone.
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