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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. Seems like this could use its own thread. Barr said yesterday that he believed there was "spying" on the Trump campaign. He wants to find out how it came about, what was done, who authorized it, were the appropriate laws followed or ignored. The way the DOJ works, this could take quite awhile.
  2. Those are quite a list of qualifications for a Dem Presidential candidate!
  3. It is leverage. They had to get him on something so he can be extradited to the US. As others have said, his defense is that he was the publisher of factual information. The Supremes rules in the Pentagon Papers case that the publisher does not commit a crime as long as the information is factual and correct. What they need him for now is to get his testimony about where the Dems emails that he published came from. Its popcorn time!
  4. “Thank you. My time is up.” Would that that was the truth, Maxine.
  5. A new suite for the refugee from the US seeking asylum - Adam Schiff, perhaps?
  6. This is prescient. And if the really higher ups spend time in the slammer, I hope their ability to strike back is removed forever. Even twenty years down the road, they'll still have a few remaining allies. They need to be turned into human prunes - wrinkled fruit of the poison tree they planted in 2016 - if not before. They should never be heard from again.
  7. Collusion Conspiracists just can't to gain much traction anymore.
  8. Bump of @ocemur original excellent post. Remaining important dates. APRIL April 1 Clubs that hired a new head coach after the end of the 2018 regular season may begin offseason workout programs. April 15 Clubs with returning head coaches may begin offseason workout programs. April 19 Deadline for Restricted Free Agents to sign offer sheets. April 25-272019 NFL Draft, Nashville, Tennessee. MAY May 3-6 Clubs may elect to hold their one three-day post-Draft rookie minicamp from Friday through Sunday or Saturday through Monday. May 7 Deadline for prior club to send “May 7 Tender” to its unsigned Unrestricted Free Agents. If the player has not signed a player contract with a club by July 22 or the first scheduled day of the first NFL training camp, whichever is later, he may negotiate or sign a player contract from that date until the Tuesday following the 10th weekend of the regular season, at 4:00 p.m., New York time, only with his prior club. May 10-13 Clubs may elect to hold their one three-day post-Draft rookie minicamp from Friday through Sunday or Saturday through Monday. May 13 Rookie Football Development Programs begin. May 16-19 NFLPA Rookie Premiere. Invited rookies (typically, first and/or second-round selections) must be permitted by their respective clubs to attend. Such players are unavailable for offseason workouts, OTA days, and minicamps during this period. May 20-22 Spring League Meeting, Key Biscayne, Florida. JUNE June 2 For any player removed from the club’s roster or whose contract is assigned via waivers or trade on or after June 2, any unamortized signing bonus amounts for future years will be included fully in team salary at the start of the 2020 league year. June 3 Deadline for prior club to send “June 1 Tender” to its unsigned Restricted Free Agents who received a qualifying offer for a right of first refusal only in order for such player to be subject to the CBA’s “June 15 Tender” provision. June 15 Deadline for club to withdraw qualifying offer to Restricted Free Agents and still retain exclusive negotiating rights by substituting “June 15 Tender” of one-year contract at 110 percent of the player’s prior-year Paragraph 5 Salary (with all other terms of his prior-year contract carried forward unchanged). Late June Rookie Transition Program to be held at individual clubs. Attendance is mandatory for all 2019 rookies. JULY July 15 At 4:00 p.m., New York time, deadline for any club that designated a Franchise Player to sign such player to a multiyear contract or extension. After this date, the player may sign only a one- year contract with his prior club for the 2019 season, and such contract cannot be extended until after the club’s last regular season game.
  9. Which Trade Value Chart are you using? Rich Hill's Or Jimmy Johnson's?
  10. Not really a whole lot of Draft Capital in the warehouse. Add in a player perhaps?
  11. Two things. He was a rookie last year, and one who never got to play with the first string until the second half of the preseason. That's not a winning combo for getting into synch with the receivers and driving the Ferrari. What? What did I say - Ferrari? Last year's O - especially the O Line and Wide Outs was more like a 1970 Yugo. It was beyond putrid. Josh was about the only bright spot in a thoroughly s ***** Offense. In fact, it was an offensive Offense. To his credit, he has the skills to play "hero ball" and aptly demonstrated them to the amazement of his fans and much of The League. I expect him going into the Off Season program and through TC and the PreSeason as the unquestioned #1 will help cure some of the flaws - not just in his game, but the entire Offense's. Night and Day.
  12. NYT did a crappy job of following up beyond the testimony Barr dropped on the panel today. It wasn’t just wiretapping Page. They completely ignore the 2-deep circle that would allow them to wiretap everyone in the Trump camp. And, not for the last time, I’ll ask: If Carter Page was a “Russian Spy,” then why was he never apprehended and charged and imprisoned?
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