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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. He needs to be taken out. Hope it’s excruciatingly painful.
  2. Please start a Ukrainian Skulduggery Thread. The subject deserves it. Too often threads of stories intertwine and vital salient points get obscured. The Ukies involvement is one leg of this spyder that I haven’t followed closely enough.
  3. That chart should read: PERIODIC TABLE OF THE WACKJOBS.
  4. Orange man bad. Thats all all they’ve got.
  5. Stop & Shop is a regional grocery store in NE that is 100% unionized. They went out on strike yesterday. Company says they have the highest pay rate than any other grocery workers. > $25 per hour. Today Lieawatha joined ranks with the strikers.
  6. Yeah, sure. But what do THEY know?
  7. It’ll be interesting to see how this all unfolds. It’s been more than 24 hours and no reports of his demise yet.
  8. Say goodbye to training camp in Pittsford.
  9. Sure. We haven’t had his kind of citizenship around Buffalo since Marshawn was driving his whip around the streets bumping into people. What could possibly go wrong?
  10. Careful. It might become the “Kavanaugh” emoji.
  11. I thought i heard today that the SOL on Assange’s rape charge did in fact run out. Haven’t verified that yet though.
  12. They’ve got to look up above and down below their natural #9 slot. They have to be prepared when they call, or when their phone rings to make a deal either going up, or moving back. Knowing what kind of athletes are available will help them with their calculus for possible trades. Nothing out out of the ordinary here. It’s a business being run by businessmen. Finally.
  13. I think the term is either Arkancide or Kahoshggied
  14. They should be terrified and hope they have large cash reserves, because their legal defense bills are going to be gigantic.
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