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Everything posted by WyoAZBillfan

  1. Worst screen name ever! Maybe that’s on purpose? Negative-Nancy is more appropriate!
  2. 🤮🤮🤮🤮 get real. Who you replacing with and when are you pulling the trigger? It’s easy to sit back and cry, unless you have a solution though…. It’s a temper tantrum, I doubt the team is happy with performance the last few weeks as well.
  3. Not the content you’re looking for… move along.
  4. Agree with most of what OP stated. More likely changes on O-line and injury to 17, just my opinion. Different throwing motion hard to say #2 WR is an issue when every other WR dropped stuff the last few weeks. Play calling is suspect, feels like the god ol days off run, pass…maybe pass/pull it down/oh crap just ad-lib days of Gailey or malarkey (lol so). Issues all over. Fair weather fans are just that and expose themselves easily.
  5. Didn’t you throw the towel in around half time?
  6. Hard to disagree, both would/are running for their life. Dawkins injury with Morse is really tough at this point.
  7. Huge Allen fan here, but I’m wondering is Case would be able to move the ball. Clearly off on throws going back last two games and obviously today. Won’t happen, but maybe it should today.
  8. Defense will adjust, Josh will dominate using all the tools he has. This is going to be a day Bills fans are thankful.. My prediction and yes, eternally hopeful.🤷🏼‍♂️
  9. Let’s go BUFFALO! Make it 10 up off the start and don’t let off the gas! Go Bills!
  10. Funny how many folks said this would be a shoot out and yet, many still think we suck again cause a team expected to score.. scored. Kind of..
  11. Go Bills!!! Get those turkey legs after the game, they’ll taste great with a W!!
  12. I well next demonstrate the whirling dervish cartwheel 1/2 gainer with a twist.
  13. One could say Johnson on D cost with lack of coverage and/or tackling. Benford the same, Hamlin got tricked a time or two. LBs lack of tackling ability, Von not sealing the sacks… Allen “dirting “ The ball where it gets picked, or right into the chest. C’mon man, team sport and several can get fingers pointed.
  14. I pity the announcers so far. Troys Birthday, the rain, Jimmy G, they haven’t discussed the bathroom facilities but still a lot of game left…
  15. By those standards the Bills should feel ok about the loss to the Vikings right? They had a nearly flawless record.. Dallas on the other hand has just been beaten by the same Packers we beat… End of the day, it’s why they play the games.
  16. Problem I have starting the Lions is: The teams beaten were thought of as lower quality teams for most of the year, or at least beginning of year. Even using the Pack as a measuring stick for competition. The Lions are decent offense, below average Defense. The Bills control their own destiny. Just have to get out of their mid-season swoon (I believe this is becoming an annual thing). Go Bills!
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