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Everything posted by WyoAZBillfan

  1. Your locker room contacts must keep you well informed. Covid stance🤷🏼‍♂️ free speech, medical freedom.. sure he is/was vocal. All that said, I still would wager 17 would love to have him on 3 downs. Falling down, stumbling and washed up, that ball likely gets thrown to Beese
  2. Not wrong but, you could literally say this about most teams in the age of free agency. KC isn’t all pro across the board, they do have a great play caller. Tampa,GB, LV, the Chargers…. All about the same in one regard or the other.
  3. On defense the safety that gets the pop flies from D line volleyballing them. Milano introducing himself to Mac would be a nice gesture also. Offense13 going to have a night tearing up the secondary! Go Bills!!
  4. Is KCs O-line, and WRs all pro? They have Humphrey, we have Dion, Morse. They have Kelsey, we have Diggs.. A person could literally make the same statement about KC. i do think they have an offensive philosophy that helps their O line more and Reid calling plays is an advantage over Dorsey.
  5. Remove the spleens now, amputate the dangling appendages and rub dirt on the other boo boos. 🤷🏼‍♂️ They’ll be fine. Go Bills!
  6. Three or four games of constipation by the offense, some flashback memories for the defense and chafed hands by the coach. No worries, it’s all getting sorted now! Go Bills!
  7. That’s a lot of “how abouts”!! Here’s another how about we see if Tua and his resurrected actually finish a whole season, that in itself would amaze me honestly. I agree with most of what you said also, wanted to state that before I ramble. You can discredit back up qbs, weather/injuries since the teams have to play the cards they are dealt, but I’m not sure you can tell fans in an NFL world of fantasy leagues and gambling actual realities. Cold weather does matter to players, not sure if it has the same effect as dropping 20 some players to dehydration or playing on blown ACLs…I digress. Comparing victories/defeats is fun. GB beat Dallas, Dallas beat Minn, Minn beat Buffalo, Buffalo beat Tenn, Tenn beat Indy and Houston beat Indy, who just got beat by Miami, therefore they are Champions!! Philly has gotten beat by Washington, who was beaten by Detroit who was beaten by Buffalo who was beaten by Miami.. Championship!! See fun. In the real world onto NE where the Bills start to reclaim the East and the AFC crown 🤞🏻 Go Bills!!
  8. That leaves out the W’s against Balt. and the Bills both of which they had to rely on magic or the smiling of football gods.. far cry from dominating as you point out. This next 3 games will show the real mettle of several teams.
  9. While I like this kid and hope he has a great future as a Bill, this made me LOL and I thank you as I was in need of that today (also your not wrong)!!
  10. I think your assessment is 100% accurate, however he does throw ducks after moving his feet approximately 3 miles covering 7 yards (twitchy or quick?), seems to move a ton without ever really going far. Anyways, he’s going to suck that franchise for years IMO.
  11. Where do you see a derogatory question? Just asked if the O can do anything right? You are spit balling and seeing what sticks, “Largely due to…..” an entire list of what offense functions. Hence an ability to say what is “inaccurate”, can you? Other than that, the rest is more rhetorical I reckon. Go Bills!
  12. 8-3, is there anything right the offense does or can do? You didn’t mention blocking, running without tripping or dropping the ball… 8-3, it seems as though many think the team is horrible because they aren’t blowing out others by double digits. Look at the teams many are proclaiming to be the “best” teams now are they destroying others? Miami has squeaked out close games (I wish the Bills could win those close ones..😂), a “weak, Washington team without a QB” beat Philly. Struggles are all over the NFL If you actually look. For the Bills stop having the constant fear of the 2000’s Bills teams coming back into the field, they gone! Go Bills!
  13. Green Bay has been dealing with injuries as well, have beaten the mighty Cowboys, played most everyone though. Jets, nailed it I think on your assessment, same with Minn. You mention D injuries as a likely culprit for our woes, yet neglect to mention O-line and QB injuries as possibly leading to some struggles. I think even some play calling for both O & D have been suspect as well. A lot of season yet to play and with division games looming, most important part coming up. There’s time to fix, heal and get right though. Even in our struggles we’re winning, early exit is always possible with a great record, look at Tennessee. Enjoy the ride! Go Bills!
  14. What is the record of those bad teams (Detroit in playoff hunt..) and the also the teams we have lost to? Narrow margins as well?? I can’t recall…
  15. Remove his spleen after X-rays? C’mon let’s have forward thinking here. Get well Dion, no dancing this week and go protect 17!
  16. A pass first team, hurt defense. Going back to the Green Bay game, I’d say teams have figured a way to keep Allen off the field and with him hurt, knowing the reluctance to run, the struggles have shown how to beat this team, jets followed up on what GB did and Minn capitalized. Figured out, maybe not, but they sure have found ways to slow down being steam rolled. Spot on 100%
  17. I agree 100%, situational. But that said with some injuries it seems they have done it more out of need. Adjustments have at times been on the slow side coming, it also feels like they will keep doing whatever until the half, come with minor tweaks that don’t have any effectiveness before they pull the stops. It will be interesting to see how they play with Von out the next bit. The team seems to be getting healthy at the right time in the secondary though.
  18. Brady still does. We will revisit this discussion after we play the Pats, that’s what my gut tells me.😂😂
  19. Dorsey still needs to grow and, rather fast. Teams are figuring the team out, especially when you look at end of last season/first quarter this year. As pointed out in many threads Gabe motions = run plays most times, as an example. Overall it seems on D they are realizing 4 man front hasn’t been making it home enough and as we get players back I think they blitzing goes back as it used to be and practically non existent. 🤷🏼‍♂️ Yesterday was a team victory, many players gutted it out it seemed.
  20. I’m honestly not sure about Vikes being better team. Penalties are always going to factor in now days it seems though…really could go either way, or at times how Vegas wants it seems. I do think this was Macs best game, best as a pro from my limited views. The team played tough and I feel represented the AFC East well. Nothing to hang the head about too much.
  21. They did to Baltimore and Green Bay, Chicago and now Minn.. though…woulda, coulda, shoulda… stay classy though.
  22. I’m laughing with you…many have been legit…like that fumble.. maybe. Lots of no calls. Depending on the flavor for both teams though. I’d say Vikes may have gotten a turkey day blessing.
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