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Everything posted by WyoAZBillfan

  1. as stated earlier, 3 road games in 12 days and 3W’s. I’m betting the team needed some time to rest up.
  2. Whelp, I just seen it on Face Book…OBJ signing with the Bills. It must be true, FB is the gospel after all.
  3. Philly is still leading NFC, they don’t look too bad.🤷🏼‍♂️ Yeah.. must suck going to the Super Bowl, playoffs…how long did the Bills lack that ability.. just to play past “the hunt”? I mean sure they lost, better than sitting at home. Jimmy G wrecked himself the first few years there, but he is still better than a lot of the other teams, say Cleveland, Carolina, Houston, Denver, just to name a few.
  4. Yeah, can’t argue that one. Though they have actually had more competitive games that the Broncos this year IMO. Only difference is one has a very very high paid QB, the other knows they need to find something else…juggs machine with a pulse or 🤷🏼‍♂️
  5. You should watch the Broncos
  6. You may be onto something there, the possibilities!!!
  7. I vote Denver’s calls him. Stoke up the current dumpster fire there. He can’t be any worse than Russ is, even with the HC who couldn’t even find a play call (even if his auto warranty was about to expire).
  8. Can’t sleep on the Bears, they have good players and of nothing else can play spoiler. Not as bad of a team as many think, they do have injuries though.
  9. Perhaps they can now schedule all Bills games on Thursday…BAM perfect season. 🤷🏼‍♂️
  10. Step away from the…. Whatever, keyboard for sure though. I can’t translate gibberish to English this late in the evening.
  11. His history against the Bills would say different. The defense they have is for real though.
  12. Could’ve called that either way it looked. Maybe slipping, maybe held.🤷🏼‍♂️ sometimes it’s better to be lucky than good.
  13. No, he wouldn’t come pick me up…in my van Down by the river
  14. No worries after my third time of 7th grade I was way ahead of the other kids too!
  15. This is like saying Jordan’s Bulls wouldn’t beat Lebrons lakers… we will never know lol. when the Bills play Brady it won’t be the 2000 whatever Pats again, ever. it’sa new chapter in the NFL books and Bills legacies. 🤷🏼‍♂️
  16. This feels like when Von came to visit, I don’t think they let him leave without signing. Maybe last nights game showed we have weapons and options that don’t get used enough though.🤷🏼‍♂️
  17. The Bills won last night because I did not pay attention to my fantasy stats (17, 13 & 3), also my hands were in prime clapping condition so if Coach stopped clapping I continued for him.
  18. Fair enough about the Jets, I guess I didn’t think about the fans and how they act (never been to a game against them). For Dolphins I can totally see that and also experienced the Marino talk! All in all most teams have good people/fans and their bad as well. personally my despise is for the Dolphins, always has been probably due to Brian Cox and the Marino/Kelly battles. Being dominated by the Pats for 20 years was a new kind of misery lol.
  19. Agree on most of your thoughts. Not sure about play calling, it looked dis-interested at times too. Mostly, agreeable just a few one offs. Happy for the W. Go Bills!!
  20. He’s worth the $$ keeps 17 happy and has produced. The O line is weak and…well, dirty calls. I think he will be fine, again just my opinion.
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