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Iiiiiiiiive Got a Feeeelin

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Everything posted by Iiiiiiiiive Got a Feeeelin

  1. that dude was even worse than Bass. he was cut by the Packers who is my wife's team so i saw enough to know he is totally unreliable from any distance
  2. If you want some to see some cool music/get some good food go to Ballard area.
  3. I live in NC, have a buddy who played at Wake, he was pretty surprised bills picked basham so early. Apparently had one good year surrounded by lots of talent, senior year was invisible. Sounds like a big miss to me
  4. blatant hold on that mahomes run
  5. This has to be one of the longest windiest threads in a long time, reflective of our WR room of course. It's been a funny one so far
  6. He was hiding out in the woods near some peoples house and they were feeding the wild woods dog then they were able to lure him into a kennel. now he's all fat. the people who had him saw a flyer of ours in town and called us up
  7. Our beloved, knuckleheaded, amazing dog took off almost 7 weeks ago and we just got him back!!! I gave up hope and our boy Arnie is MFin home!!!!
  8. oh they will. but theyll be loud
  9. Dont know much about York but Carlson is absolute trash
  10. Slight chance this is as close to 100% he's gonna get. about to be 30 coming off acl and achilles
  11. Cant believe that dude carved himself out a starting roll all these years but good on him for it
  12. thats true hurts did break some killers but still 10 points in a half is good against this team at home
  13. doing good so far tonight anyway
  14. defense is solid so far. helps AJ is out for sure
  15. such a waste of talent
  16. something like this is what i meant, theres a bunch where McD and Tua both were laughing off the concussion and claiming the back injury
  17. who combined for 65 yards
  18. Im a big fan of Jimmy Spagnola on here, the jets guy
  19. KU Georgia is closer than anyone would think so far pick six!!!. edit. nevermind
  20. there are a bunch of great games on right now. several underdogs winning. SC vs LSU is a good one
  21. I thought the same thing, that look on his face after it happened was one of worry for the future but also it seemed like it was setting in what he had ultimately done to this young QB he supposedly "loves". Someone needs (im not capable) to make a montage video of Dolphins staff brushing off the concussion from two years ago as a "back injury", that was laughably false and everyone knew it
  22. first post is" How long do you think he'll be out for? Hoping for the best at just missing Seattle." For any of you(us) fans who love to watch FinHeaven wallow in misery the tua concussion thread is f*ckin hilarious theyre all eating each other alive " His career is in doubt. This team is a flaming disaster LMFAO". "LMFAO. You would think that’s funny you pos." etc...direct quote
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