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Iiiiiiiiive Got a Feeeelin

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Everything posted by Iiiiiiiiive Got a Feeeelin

  1. Hes in his 4th season, the potential thing doesnt age well
  2. so theres one side that sees that he's great and one side disagrees. as an agnostic of this situation i would say i see him miss a lot of plays like the blatant tackle he missed today and that pick he comically fumbled last week. and then folks claim he's doing something in the middle that maybe i dont see and i mean that. what am i missing for defenders of Tre?
  3. Come to think of it dodson was out there a bunch in the second half
  4. he was out in the second half? not sarcasm i really didnt know that
  5. i saw lots of flash plays from just about everyone on the D though. even klein had some plays, obviously milano was all over the field
  6. you kiddin me? Milano deserved it by far
  7. i would laugh imoji this butt...its happened before
  8. what play has he made this season that says so? the obvious blown tackle today(at least 1)? that pick he dropped last week that woulda won that game? End IF story
  9. This is treading on Virgils weekly summary you might wanna to change the headline
  10. slight. nfl receiver shoulda had it. and once again just saying he's having a good game im not a fan of Danny Dimes at all think he's super overrated hes just playing well tonight
  11. Hes dropped a couple in there though. im no fan of this dude but some of these throws have been impressive
  12. Im on the official retracting my s*** talking on Danny Dimes. hes hvaing a game. wow slayton dropped that pass as i write this
  13. anyone see the hit on Mac Jones that got called last Sunday? Its so crazy where you actually CAN hit a QB. its like a strikezone
  14. Daniel Jones is clearly another one of those splash in the pan QBs that people get unnecessarily hyped on who totally sucks. like a gardner minschew 2.0 only Giants for some reason still think he's still the answer
  15. Rob Ryan sighting. LBs coach for Ravens
  16. If Josh threw like 3 throws a little more accurate we win this. bomb to sanders comes to mind
  17. We lost this one on our own. had so many chances to win this and failed and not to mention all the terrible penalties. we grow from it and get better. also go roughly 15-1 from here
  18. Hey great idea lets divide each other along idealogical lines the day before kickoff. Dont care which way you lean on this whole thing butt cmon man. LETS GO BUFFALO!!!!!! and its BILLIEVE. maybe dont be so pompous if you cant use auto correct(ly)
  19. He’s played a lot. 29-21 as starter on Bears is actually fairly impressive. i dont see how these correlate
  20. cmon guys. preseason. wait til week 5 or 6 til we get the hype train on. when its necessary. until then settle down
  21. Soooo..Cowher didnt get any direction from his previous head coach and right when they make it sound like he was gonna give Tomlin a bunch of advice he instead gave him some crappy beer that he never drank and is still in the same fridge?? man, what a story glad we got to relive that
  22. My cousin got to meet Stephon Gilmore and he told her "the pleasure is all yours" to which she replied "Wait who are you again?"
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