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Everything posted by ChrisWatson#21

  1. But wait a minute! Isn’t Tua a pro bowler over Josh?😂
  2. Yeap. The team hosts training camp here. Kim is from here? I was like wtf! The last game I recall we missed here was the Denver MNF in 94.
  3. Josh Allen is by far the most entertaining QB in the league because at any given time he can make the most impressive throw you will see, have a big run, truck over a defender or make the silliest turnover or decision you will ever see. He is worth the price of admission and then some.
  4. The script calls for a loss tonight and a win as underdogs next week. The Bills are so overbet always the only way it will happen is as underdogs the whole way.
  5. Agree. I hope I’m wrong of course but we won’t hear Allen’s cadence and we will Tua’s.
  6. And if McDaniels has the chance to win in overtime he will play his cards right and go for the tie which gets them Pittsburgh the following week instead of the Bills again😂
  7. Even more impressive was when last year in the Chiefs game during the first quarter he said "this is going to be a 24-20 type game"
  8. Yeap and if the Bills win they host Pittsburgh next week🤤
  9. The only game I remember being fixed for the Bills in decades was San Francisco in 1998. That was pretty obvious if you remember that one. The Bills were big underdogs and the refs grabbed the bag that day. On the other hand there have been countless games where the Bills got hosed badly for many years.
  10. Yeah that turnover narrative is pretty lame since he accounts for so many scores and usually doesn't turn over the football late in games. That needs to go away.
  11. They kept it close for ratings and gambling purposes. Steelers were the easiest -155 moneyline odds you will find.
  12. Easy -155 moneyline Steelers. They’re just keeping it close for ratings and gambling. What a 🤡 show.
  13. More injured than old. He was producing at a high level not long ago. Von is one of those guys that was so good that even in his late years was going to continue to produce at a competent level. Some players are just that good. It’s a shame the injury took a lot of what was left in his tank.
  14. My mistake. 58%-42% was what they reported but you were there and say it was 50-50 so there you go. I don’t doubt there will be many Bills fans there on Sunday but I still won’t believe they will be the majority until I see it.
  15. No I haven't. I get that there is always a good turn out of Bills fans but to say there will be more Bills fans in the stands for basically a home playoff game for the Dolphins in ages is a bit of a stretch. I remember two seasons ago they were reporting tht Billsmafia was supposed to have like 75% of the seats in Nashville but it sure didn't sound like that during the game. I learned these type of reports overexaggerate sometimes so I'll believe it when I see it.👍
  16. If he brings his notebook to camp he will make the transition in no time.
  17. I had my suspicions since the Giants game when he took a hit and landed on his right shoulder with the weight of the defender on top of him. Josh grabbed his right shoulder quickly after that as if it was injured. During the Chargers game Chris Collinsworth did confirm he is playing with an injured shoulder while they were replaying Gabe’s TD he said Josh has a "bad shoulder".
  18. Allen would need a "Heisman moment" just to steal a couple of votes from Lamar and keep him from being unanimous. That’s over.
  19. Might as well. I know I am. Chances are we won’t see another one of his caliber for a few decades and I ain’t got that much time left.
  20. It's getting harder to throw them so he is running them in.
  21. Doesn’t Indy plays Houston? That winner will have 10 wins with a better conference record if the Bills lose.
  22. Did he get hurt?
  23. It’s either the #2 seed for the Bills or elimination. Crazy.
  24. Assuming Cleveland will rest their starters next week and the winner of Indy-Hou will be at 10 wins with a better conference record it’s win or elimination next week for the Bills right?
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