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Everything posted by Since1981

  1. 1) crazy not to take vax. 2) employer + union have rules. He’s following the rules, as expected of any employee. 3) End of story. next man up
  2. maybe I’m expecting more out of Orchard Park, NY. you’d think there would be something besides a bunch of “metal sheds” out there. ugly, muddy, metal sheds, treeless, pot hole. Oh wait, there’s a Tim Hortons,
  3. agree. $1.5B on stadium—there isn’t much community ROI, ever for these. But I am still shocked how there’s literally nothing near OBD. $1.5B economic development is better spent on almost anything else. I do want my taxes spent on this horrific ROI.
  4. Nooo! Ralph originally needed stadium revenue to pay expenses. Today, the core is broadcast $, by HUGE margins. Also, $ gain in investment value. Stadium seat size is moot in 2024
  5. I’m out of Webster/Rochester. 10 min +/- isn’t changing my visit counts. But sitting in 38F Windy Rain 3-6 score will.
  6. …that is amazing…. almost nothing anywhere near that stadium. Fairly sad actually. I’d be embarrassed in that town
  7. The number of actual “cool snow games” at OP in past 5 years? I can count on one hand. The number of blustery (wind) days this month? I need 2 hands and 2 feet.
  8. vs CAR ROC fans 21, 23 yr old girls with me couldn’t feel their toes. Broke out foot warmer packs. Just not worth it multiple wks at this time of year. Stupid not to cover for fans and competitive reasons. $16 Falcon tix? Marketplace is speaking to the entertainment value.
  9. No donation mafia for Zay! As usual, he can’t and won’t make the cut in bills fandom.
  10. Josh’s new outfit. please coach and players, just stay in a bubble for a few wks.
  11. Harbaugh has done great things with QB. Let’s be honest…many coaches would have thrown barriers up to Lamar. Harbaugh got the most out of his player picked
  12. You and OJ can have a reunion back in 1972. Because it’s football not a dance recital Get off my lawn boomer? Bahahahha
  13. Let’s turn the question. WHY would you or a team WANT a WINDY stadium for the next 50 yrs?
  14. What was/is the objective criteria for postponing a game? 18 months preparing!!??. Alpha, Delta, Omicron completely unfair without an objective criteria defined. p.s. let jerry ask the comish this very simple question. Then we booo both of them
  15. conspiracy…what’s the prior and set objective criteria that makes a postponement vs. you play down men? At what moment is the threshold crossed!? Shouldn’t a criteria have been or be set?
  16. Really good timing point— Kim: “let’s not kick that sleeping Canadian dog right now”
  17. Dear god. See my post a month ago. BUF WIND is DOUBLE others. This isn’t ANYTHING about children getting “used to cold footsies”. The NFL rules/play have changed since OJ Simpson played in OP!! (NE is an anomaly—GOAT coach/QB) Wind and rules! Get this though your thick heads.
  18. This International announcement must be just toothless PR junk. BUF is not with Canada. Vikes are (yaw, ya knuw Saskatchewan, eh). I expect BUF has the highest ratio of foreign fans of any team…. https://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2021/12/15/nfl-awards-international-marketing-rights-in-eight-countries-to-18-teams/
  19. McClappy IQ TEST: 100 nfl players covid today. you: 1) isolate players 2) declare choice. Golden Corral for all 3) reaffirm team is focused ok X Os
  20. Bills need to almost quarantine these guys. NFL is a covid hot mess. Suck it up and stay home and zoom. Can you imagine Josh in covid protocol Saturday night?? Competitive advantage to the nfl team that isolates ! Sadly true.
  21. I remember other QBs frantically on the sidelines talking to coordinators between series. Flutie used to talk about how they were setting up player #XX for the next series. Flutie used to explain how series connected. I liked that. Maybe we don’t see it or it doesn’t happen?? Josh sitting helmet off sunbathing on the bench? So couldn’t the offense and defense be chatting between series? ‘course Brady does it real-time…
  22. 3 BIG games; 3 losses by 1 score. Coaches/Mgt do not have salary caps. Without cap, one “trick” is a team who can buy “Greatness” without harming player cap space, +3 W with good coaches.
  23. Just get in via Win 3-1. we play anywhere and later opponent’s style matters more than home field. CAR IS a playoff game in my view.
  24. Happy for Stafford getting out of Detroit. Barry Sanders, sorry dude.
  25. I predicted vs. NE Josh would be 100+ yds expected wind--sadly, they didn't listen to me. What happened planning and adapting in Q1?? Cases 1, 2: 1) NE game plan 1H: 0 pass, 0 QB run----until Q3. 2) TB game plan 1H: 0 RB----until Q3 lost by 1 score. ran out of clock in both =crazy. BTW, You never want a coordinator "where studio puts the graphic up showing today team 'broke 40 yr records for....fewest or most for super bowl era."
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