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Everything posted by Since1981

  1. I recommend Parking off the main lots. Webster Road $20. Porta pots and owner on site. Subs from Wegmans. Dress like skiing.
  2. Not on my vote. 5 wide gets us in trouble often, harms our D. knox+singletary+allen = defense has to deal with short (and mid) play makers. keeping this trio active frees the WRs. josh is nearly indefensible for run/pass option rolling with Singletary and Knox nearby in space. And while he has them flustered at short, that D hesitation opens WR long.
  3. Wow, that game was boring. I think I heard a pin drop on tv. I also had a case of “Bad-QB-PTSD” there.
  4. We have to hold judgement. Many times such silence foreshadows more. 53 young men—like any small business, eventually someone has a personal matter to address.
  5. I do think Josh can push through 5-15mph just fine. You all have to admit, however, any future WR, K, QB has to question their own sanity and wallet to come to BUF. Let's face it, Josh hit Pro Bowl type throws in that NE Hurricane but literally nobody "got it". The media was critical of Diggs drop(s) in hurricane end-zone--still blows my mind that people mention those drops.
  6. Weather will suck again vs GA. But, I think coach learned that Josh is better than any QB, when allowed and unleashed, even in a storm. Team just have to remember ATL win is equal value to the NE win at this time.
  7. I really want to hear the National media swoon over the BB genius game plan used.
  8. If the term MVP means “non replaceable Player on playoff team”. Unfathomable why Josh isn’t top 3, besides small market exposure, poor PR. (I get and appreciate the MVP talk about WR or RB but let’s be serious people)
  9. Josh is equal/better talent than 90s. I find his personality refreshingly Firebough, junior collegey. in this world, we need more of this. Nobody had to convince him to BUF either. Love this kid.
  10. Enough of the NFC East in prime time already. God that division is overrated for 25 years!
  11. Josh always had flashes. You’d see moments and think “wow, if this Allen kid could do that more”. Lamar, Patrick, Josh, etc have those little electric moments as rookies. Mac i haven’t seen those little electric moments, sure an adequate QB but no flashes…
  12. It’s all Josh folks and some Diggs I great QB can make any WR look a step better than they are (both bees and McKenzie)
  13. Chowderheads left VERY early. That was nice to watch
  14. Coach finally realized his best player is Josh. Let her rip Josh! Run, pass, shuffle, burp, whatever it takes.
  15. *surveying NFL PLAYERS and STAFFS on dome (vs BUF wind). With the proper survey questions—-critical insights for 50 yrs of labor and capital ROI…”As a TE….” (You can see how FA, Pro Bowl, etc answers) Pegula Firm’s largest infrastructure expenditure ever—-wouldn’t it be smart to learn what NFL thinks?
  16. Let’s get rid of the table broke mafia. Let’s go BEER chaser after score…every NFL fan can get behind that !! I think players are ready. I am. I have $10 and will help pay fine.
  17. predictions (dah) 1) Never a “pocket” for Josh 2) NE will play action our D to death 3) Our coach/players will take too long to adjust and react.
  18. For D, I would skew towards the familiar. They all describe instincts taking over in system. I would not want to get creative.
  19. It seems these are more “place holder” images before firm is hired.
  20. DL has extra (bogus) rotational bodies Sooooo, Billsey thing? OL gets covid wacked…
  21. Josh contract will look friendlier each year+. I just can’t imagine how good he would be with viable play action. I don’t really buy the “window closes”. BB-Evil-Empire window closed for was about how long? A week (season)?!
  22. $1.5B for a 14 degree rotation more northerly. And I thought we were getting nothing valuable (sarcasm)!
  23. I was at panther’s game. 2 x 20’s girl’s with party….feet froze!! Nobody in my party has interest in long drive to be freezing, wet again (Falcons🤮 …that rendering new stadium is depressing….Josh “joked” at field house to pegulas “build a dome”.
  24. Bills adjusted too late vs BB. 3Q to 4Q they finally adjusted and let it rip. Players and coaches need to adapt 1H to situational football and conditions!!
  25. That’s crazy. Gets twice, likely vaccinated. “Russian roulette” on how it applies to people. Yes, a big dude but he’s also a young, professional athlete!
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