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Posts posted by Since1981

  1. You can’t build your entire team around 40 mph wind AND win in a modern Super Bowl. 

    *No Super Bowl will be played in that weather, EVER!  

    I love seeing the snow on national Tv too but get a grip on your hometown weather pride. 

    This was a 100% coaching loss. They did not adapt to the situation fast enough in game. . But the team can’t be built around 40 mph winds either.  

  2. Main advantage of K gun was a limited offensive formation (ala Thurman) then forces D to stay in compromised formation and tire out. I’m not convinced today’s game could have an offense do this reliably to win. Our team form could not. 

    btw, I’ve always felt it was why we lost the super bowls. Kelly was smart but the other top tier coaches smarter. 

  3. 2 hours ago, CincyBillsFan said:

    Under these conditions the safest plays will be QB runs up the middle and around both ends.

    That would be so exciting to sit and watch in rainy 30 mph wind..Built to win one game. Where’s Tyrod and Rex when we need them!?


    …you are unfortunately, correct. Hey. They are indeed one of the only teams with a fullback….(cough)

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