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Everything posted by Since1981

  1. Thad Brown. What a dork. Trying to create controversy where none is. Dumb. Poor rookie DBs prefer less exposure! Game #1 as a pro vs. SB champs. They probably prefer a bit less exposure in game #1 Expect 1 big burn + 1 big blown coverage on Thu (ala Hill)
  2. Any sense of the bill’s contingent size at SoFi? My impression is not a ton, as the chatter feels low (too far, thu, just after Labor Day are drags)
  3. Great detail in video. Simms and Allen are thankfully not polished. With Josh, we are at that moment and time and place where Kelly was 1989. Bills/Josh are like an Olympic medalist, we’re in for a few medals, but now luck 🍀 is hugely involved for gold.
  4. Has any group put this much mindshare into a PUNTER? Started as G O D. Ended as D O G. SEPT 12 can’t get here fast enough! …and no punts in ‘22, per Josh anyway.
  5. I thought Josh relationship was the driving reason—Josh wanted the return. If we need a 3rd string, he’s as good as any and if he and Josh are productive in the QB room, all the better.
  6. Can you imagine how infuriating that positive Punt PR last week would be to someone in her (her dad’s) situation. Add to it—>dreadfully slow criminal PD,+ civil lawsuit file date closes in 6 wks/1yr
  7. YES, can you believe our Bills are the PREMIERE opening game vs SB champs!! Yeyha!
  8. I started to think about this more as a family small business. After wide knowledge spread. So, picture conference call with Terry Kim Sean Brandon. KP TP (3 daughters in 20’s) totally cut family ties with a person that has admitted to sex with intoxicated 17 yr old.
  9. Yep. This part is really not in dispute. easy cut ties. Not sure why BB didn’t know this in July+ KP TP (3 daughters in 20’s) may have helped BB SM firm up their own opinions and totally cut ties.
  10. Glad cut. Can you imagine Thu Night Football in 12 days press questions yelled at Josh Allen?!? cluster. You posters “claiming innocent until proven guilty”? Sure, maybe he left the house early, but he consent fooled with 17 yr. He is TOXIC now. Sorry, dude. BYE BYE
  11. And let’s also put the spotlight back on SD STATE, SDPD!
  12. I thought he did good with a somber, solemn tone. Bills have a right to employ who they want.
  13. It would prove who was present with a 17 year old in California
  14. employers and mine can fire me for any reason other than race sex color religion. It’s the correct move here for his employer and the organization. (P.S. SDPD, eeek, slow but that’s another matter)
  15. If the SDPD hasn’t even made a charge after 10 months… how the hell can anyone expect 2 retired rent-o-cops from WNY in Buffalo (Bills) add to any kind of clarity? They didn’t. bills could never properly vet this before or after. Cut him, move on. Sorry, but life is tough, punters are highly expendable. He can get a punt job next year, if cleared.
  16. Yes. Remember, Josh is a god and doesn’t punt. Team doesn’t need this guy.
  17. That “punt god” buzz was good while it lasted—-> about one punt. Where’s boring Clark Kent Brian Mormon?
  18. I agree. Police then tried to get evidence by phone. This one may be tough to prove. Not saying anything about this case. …it is really odd—> every person has phone audio recorder, security vids, snap face…that anything happens anywhere without a digital footprint? I can turn my iPhone’s default voice recorder in my pocket and record sound for hours.
  19. I was pissed when 2,000 single seats that were unsold on a Thursday would blackout games in Rochester. BS. There are “bad/moderate” seats that are reasonable price today. Have you filled your F-150 tank lately?
  20. Just glad we picked the correct guy!!!! My “we’re better than browns PTSD” has FINALLY stopped. “oct 11, 2009 Backup kicker hit an 18-yard field goal :23 sec remaining, giving Cleveland a 6-3 victory over Buffalo for its first win”
  21. Can’t agree. Vs free agency can’t be compared. Bean is balancing far far more. Free agency makes bean job much harder. Levy coach 0/4 Super Bowls. silver medal on 4 tries. McClappy has to adapt to players much more too. Levy/Polian were good but they had nowhere near the post free agent conductions.
  22. My mom passed last month. At first we were private, shock, then shortly later when people came out from corners of her life…To see donations…made us happy.
  23. Barkley has one pass play, drift over right 7-15 yards. Josh likes his help and company. Josh goes down and the team is 50/50 in any given game
  24. Remember when Brian Morman was THE freakin game highlight? Sure is nice to laugh at a crazy good punt but not actually care one bit!!!
  25. Agree. Think about m the 2H Tampa game on. Josh on fire. I think he’s still improving for sure.
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