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Everything posted by Since1981

  1. 10 years ago, more OC and HCs were dominated by “systems” approach. Dabs and McD are clearly in the “adapt strategies to my skills available”. It seems so simple but tell that to the “systems guys” No. I don’t see it happening for a while. HC is Chief Operations Officer. Too big an unproven jump in COO breadth. See Nat Hackett.
  2. No seriously. ONLY 3rd play of game. PIT D hadn’t yet acclimated nor accounted for Josh arm into stiff 25 mph wind. They naturally and incorrectly assumed he couldn’t hit it with wind and played safety far too close. Weather advantage Bills.
  3. I think we hit 98 yarder vs PIT due to wind. 98 yarder. 3rd play. Starting the game, PIT D played far too close to goal. PIT wrongly assumed there’s no way josh cuts thru that wind, over top. He did. I’m pro stadium cover because we aren’t always going to have Josh and I want to attract the best players.
  4. I would like a real scientific study on field team competitiveness of Highmark vs covered. Seems like that competitive analysis would be key for mgt. There was a time when we heard rumors that offense players didn’t look at BUF favorably (due to their stat drag, with incentives etc.(yes, QB sucking didn’t help)
  5. Okay Boomer. Amish ride horse/buggy. Doesn’t mean it’s the ideal way to travel. It’s lame. Worst freakin wind, rain, sleet, cold around. 140 yrs? Have you seen how much football changed? Oh wait, you can’t see because boomer is reading the newspaper in his leather helmet? Nice population drop!
  6. Lamar wants #1 QB pay. Ravens want to pay him #2-#5 Lamar is one ugly play from $0. Ravens do have a top 5-10 ranked QB, today, 2022. Maybe if Lamar had an agent, he'd be further along (after all, that is why they get paid)
  7. A common experience to rally around today. Rare in 2022. I know that sounds odd but there are not many things left like this. 3 generations, 1 game, shared foods, 53 hero's pretty fun really.
  8. Poll doesn't have a key choice: "Rogers is a jackass (that is contributing to all of the above)"
  9. Rogers--he won't talk to his family, not patient with rookies, won't help teammates, $$$ deal burdens team. I can hear him; "Stay off my lawn, kid!" It is time for the old guard to drift away(Rogers, Brady) I am proud that Josh Allen is our QB P.S. Rogers is going to get destroyed in two weeks
  10. The production director can make this go anyway he/she wants. He's on a directional mic. I guess I can go either way with it but I do like to hear Romo's take. How many here saw pre-snap Davis 1:1 (TD) and screamed at their TV for Josh to target him? AGREED! Loved Romo in the beginning. Who the flip cares what coaches hear!? He is there for US not THEM. If other coaches are learning from a Romo Broadcast, they suck at their jobs.
  11. that is seriously amazing, wow
  12. This O has patient slow starts and figures things out. (98 yrders excluded), somewhere Q3 they tell Josh go ahead and run (over people)
  13. He did just have a concussion—But, yeah, he should have sat after that cluster backward pass thingy by the way people with concussions can be goofy and not even know it
  14. “Can’t beat ‘em? Then Jump over them”
  15. The Knox throw was stupid good. Few of any other qb makes that. Geeesh p.s. was Josh directing and trying to get knox to move different?
  16. Can’t assume any pressure gets to pat.
  17. Bills have been excellent HALF TIME ADJUSTMENT
  18. Feed motor and then the big one will open
  19. From the other team WR perspective, one beautiful thing is their stats are built during season and obj helps at post season. I’m okay with a mercenary that puts AFCC over top. (We had Beas running around with broken bones)
  20. I disliked Brady Belicheat much much more. Pat & Andy show isn’t the evil cheating dark side.
  21. Okay. While I find it humorous that 53+ men have to share 1 toilet. Count me as one that isn’t really proud of messing with people’s bowels. New stadium soon.
  22. Yeah, Al doesn’t care what the NFL thinks. He works for Amazon! He can deliver this crap-in-a-bag in anyway he wants, and retire
  23. Good thing Jeffy (Bezos) had $1B to burn. TNF’s are a waste. How about the 456th episode of Law/Order?
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