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Everything posted by Since1981

  1. We find out THU if Billacheat is as good as advertised. Billy has had a year to digest beat down by JA17-Superman. Game time re adjustments by the Bills O will be huge.
  2. Not in a million years would JA17 say it, let alone write it, let alone public post. I just love that our guy is a decent person. The world needs civility, let it start with people making $100M+.
  3. Did something happen with Klein? Was he injured or just 31 yrs Klein was released by the Bills on March 8, 2022. 2022–> Giants Ravens Bears Bills 2
  4. I expect AFCCG, coin flip if they win or not. But if no SB win, Beane has to mortgage future—push all chips to center, and get O over stacked like LAR. Josh yrs are ticking, (ownership has other health priorities which may play out too.)
  5. Football + holiday yes. BUT, NFL has smartly paired great product matchups on Tday lately. —Lions much better, compelling —Dallas/Giants better pair —NE/Vikes compelling kudos to the NFL money boyz. 3 compelling games and is why they didn’t help snowbound Bills by moving Thu game to Sun. gone are the days of 2 really bad NFC pairs.
  6. Josh decided he wasn’t going to lose the coin flip again on National tv. And willed the win.
  7. Bass FG was a basic expectation of the job. Extra PT was especially a basic job expectation. LEG maybe from Cleveland game. Oliver deserved LEG
  8. WR plays with Montana, Kelly—pre free agency—coverage is horrific. I have to remind myself that the NFL team parity wasn’t a thing. 2-14 teams then were REALLY bad. watch old clips, the team quality differentials before 1995 vs 2022 is incredible.
  9. Allen is top 5 QB in the game. He can’t be Superman all the time. Clark shows up some. I digg that a Lions-Diggs throw can happen at any moment. Boy needs a legit #2 WR
  10. Practice time is important to install and operationalize opponent specifics strategy and tactics. People confuse what a week practice is. It’s not wind sprints, it’s installing. I think it explains a slow start, because they are installing “live”
  11. Nobody is blasting 17. Nobody. this thread topic is stupid. Use your Twitter account for clicks and attention.
  12. Yes. Two JA17 runs to right after Diggs catch. 11 guys Lions D know (should) a 17 run(s) coming but couldn’t do anything about it.
  13. He’s not jumping up, excited, etc. somewhere between bye and/or elbow. His playful, exuberance is less.
  14. I’m not a fan of these coaching as strategists and game decisions. however, McClappy is a good guy. AND, they haven’t had typical pre game practices for 2 games now.
  15. That throw and his elbow probably hurts like hell. Scoot bye and win these and get healthier … not sure what criteria is for “MVP” but Bills are dead without 17, even a lame throwing arm
  16. Josh said Dorsey and he saw the play’s D alignment on tape and put a play in for this specific Lions db case. They didn’t see the layout until then and used it. I think it had to do with 2 db’s playing out route too heavy. Josh used 10 on his lame arm for a couple passes.
  17. Buffalo is not the “shiny ball”, won’t pad his indoor stats, won’t over pay. Buffalo, obj can be the difference for SB. He would get targets valid #2, great team vibe, fans. it’s all going to come down to his desire for shiny spotlight and pay yr 2
  18. 110% He’s running a conserve mode but he has the arm available for a few 10 throws.
  19. It’s as if Josh elbow has a couple of these in reserve and he’s pulled the 10 gun there.
  20. Oliver deserved a LEG
  21. 6 days ago, buried. hope they all take a couple days to connect with family and make a snowfamily
  22. Josh is hurt. His throws are unusual. reminds me of the Beasley with broken ribs. We will learn more later.
  23. I keep thinking Josh isn’t quite healthy and it’s affecting his demeanor our d backend is terrible
  24. Just not a fan of Bills coaches. simple sh#t I shouldn’t be able to see. I yelled 2 TOs after Diggs. My football IQ is minus 10.
  25. Superman Laughing as he stumbles in!
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