Sure looks like this will look the same to anyone in the nation. Only locals will notice a diff between 8 vs 20 inches.
About 20” in a day is a cutoff for general manageability.
bull####. Has to be measured in feet prior to any move. My number is 18”. OF SNOW prior to any league anything. We are waaaaaay lower. Scheme up McClappy !!
Grrr. I pay the $7/month to Spectrum for NFLN Dec/Jan. I watched Jets/Bills last night with my friend Mr. Labatt
I HATE that Rochester is considered "Out of market" for this game. Total B.S. 45 min. drive ROC to BUF. Is Long Island in the NJ Jets local market but 3 hours away?
Is it new or unique?
I don’t ever recall so many small scale tweaks to a roster thru a season. Are other teams doing this? I know PS rules are enabling some.
It’s literally impossible to track all the season’s Bills actions.
I’m anti wind in modern NFL with top 5 QB!
That said, snow, wind are FINALLY an actual advantage in this matchup (Vs noodle arm Tunafish and deep Hill)
It annoyed t me when Cole complained about being booo'ed when it was quite the opposite. That was sketch. I'm literally yelling for the guy and he claims that I was booo'ing. That was weird.
Not much downside here (please stay off twitter dude).
He is NOT banged up, VERY rested, JA familiar.
What's the worst that can happen? He catches a few balls?
Some lake affected expected. It’s still just Tuesday. 6” is business as usual. fish brought heat to LA—but will they bring Squirrels ?
There are 2 of 8 games per year that weather confound another team. 25% of games. Bills at least are ready for it, not sure it helps bills much at all but they are mentally ready.
Each NFL dome I’ve been to is more tame vs OP. a very different vibe. Even Bills Ford Field…Strollers vs no tables seen.
I sometimes worry that our team’s “live fire” game repetition gets limited due to weather. Example. WR timing routes “live fire” hard to do at OP this month’s rain, winds, snow (cough).
The idea of a “no look” pass in OP? Bahhahahaha.
We can’t compare today with pre free agent Kelly years. There are too many fundamentally different conditions (free agency, offense rules, safety). We locked up the top 3 QB for 6 yrs. JA is our competitive advantage, a shame to waste in punt-fest weather. Henry would be a better fit for our stadium but a bad fit for today’s NFL.
Why the hell does anyone think sh#t weather is an advantage when Bills pass first, top QB, deep passes, below avg RB play.
Bad weather was an advantage with Tyrod, I guess. Being used to the sh#t vs. being an advantage are not the same.